Has this place got more lively recently?

Last few posts have reminded of an incident with my Dad years ago. We used to work together and one time, when I was in a very important meeting and had left him at the office on his own, he decided to have a go on my secretary's computer.

He called me up and asked me her username and password which I gave him and left him to it. I went into my meeting and about five minutes in he was ringing me. I ignore it but he kept ringing and ringing so I made my excuses for few moments, citing a probably emergency.

Me: Dad, you know how important this, what's up?

Him (imagine heavy Irish accent and hasty delivery): This computer's broken, we have to buy a new one, will I go to the shops for one now?

Me: Eh? What do you mean, it's broken? Anyway, it's not urgent. I'll deal with later.

Him: Well, you said it worked and it doesn't. User name Anna, password Velvet up you said, and it doesn't work because the 'v' key doesn't work?

Me: Wtf? Dad, I'll sort later, leave it alone. *hangs up*

He spent the next 3 hrs f-ing around with it and when I got back there, I said 'show me the problem, go on, log in.

Him: Look, I've been trying all morning and it doesn't work, look. User name [presses keys] A-n-n-a, password [presses] V......see it doesn't work, look I'll do it again [presses] V....see?

Me: What do you mean it doesn't work?

Him: Well look, [presses] V, the V key doesn't work, it comes up as that little star '*'

Me (for once): '___________'
sounds like my Dad too. I just about remember when this state of the art computer came out


my father would spend hours writing out all the code on the tv monitor for the games on the cassettes you plugged in - if you jogged it, it wiped everything, and then he would start again. mad old goat.
My 68 year old father looks at cash machines and bank cards with contempt. He waits in line inside the bank to withdraw cash. He does use the internet, but uses the hunt and peck typing method. He could eat a sandwich and type and it would still be at the same speed.
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"the hunt and peck typing method" I knew there would be a proper name for it!
so much better than all that Mavis Beacon nonsense...
:lol: @ all the technophobic parents :lol:

My dad used to work for the phone company, which had an equipment division, so we had computers in our house from the early 1980s. Both parents email regularly.

Mom hasn't quite figured out text messages though. And dad writes texts as if it's an email, bless him.
sounds like my Dad too. I just about remember when this state of the art computer came out


my father would spend hours writing out all the code on the tv monitor for the games on the cassettes you plugged in - if you jogged it, it wiped everything, and then he would start again. mad old goat.

Still got mine in the loft with its 16k Ram Pack! Only loaded up the games if the cassette player was at the correct volume and after all the waiting the game was usually another version of 'defender'
Ended up putting blu-tac on the keyboard so you knew if you were pressing the correct keys!
My dad will quite often text me something which requires an answer, such as 'Are you coming round to watch the footy tomorrow.' I'll text back pretty quickly. But he will have turned his phone off and then won't turn it back on for a day or two. :)
Still got mine in the loft with its 16k Ram Pack! Only loaded up the games if the cassette player was at the correct volume and after all the waiting the game was usually another version of 'defender'
Ended up putting blu-tac on the keyboard so you knew if you were pressing the correct keys!

My first computer was this one


TRS-80 Color Computer from Radio Shack. 32 kb memory. Also had to save and load data from a cassette player. Hilarious in hindsight. (although it did also take game cartridges)

It had 10000 times less memory than my current cell phone :lol:
Still got mine in the loft with its 16k Ram Pack! Only loaded up the games if the cassette player was at the correct volume and after all the waiting the game was usually another version of 'defender'
Ended up putting blu-tac on the keyboard so you knew if you were pressing the correct keys!


the zx spectrum came out soon after - which at least had proper keys
some passionate replies in this thread :) favourite comments are:

it's only a message board punters, doesn't need that much analysis.

Forums thrive on activity. And inclusiveness.

the forum is less cliquey than it was, but can still be intimidating. remember the vast majority of people who read this thread won't be members and may never dare signing up for fear of getting a pasting for liking the wrong music, expressing the wrong opinions, etc.

grego hit the nail on the head when he spoke about how many friendships have been made through these forums in the last decade. this will only continue if you let in new members - group hug pls ;)
My dad will quite often text me something which requires an answer, such as 'Are you coming round to watch the footy tomorrow.' I'll text back pretty quickly. But he will have turned his phone off and then won't turn it back on for a day or two. :)

My Dad texts and then rings two seconds later to check I've got it:lol:
My Dad texts and then rings two seconds later to check I've got it:lol:

Thats classic :lol:

Its like when someone sends an e-mail then calls....

'Just ringing to see if you got my e-mail...' - youl f**kin know when and if i reply :evil:

That does massively infuriate me :spank:
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grego hit the nail on the head when he spoke about how many friendships have been made through these forums in the last decade. this will only continue if you let in new members - group hug pls ;)

I'm in. 8) Spotlight's been good to me and long may it do the same for others
I'm in as well, I love the community here. :).
So I won't be going anywhere any time soon.

I remember my own first PC, was an MS-DOS based machine. Learnt to type before I could write. :lol:
I've seen occasional references to how cliquey the forum is/was

out of interest, who is/was in the clique? is it still active? and if so what is the membership criteria? :lol:

my head's too far in the clouds to notice these things most of the time

I've never really been a cliquey kind of person, hate all that $hit, like to spread my wings. It was horribly cliquey at university halls where people would have to sit with the same people at dinner every night :rolleyes:
I've seen occasional references to how cliquey the forum is/was

out of interest, who is/was in the clique? is it still active? and if so what is the membership criteria? :lol:

my head's too far in the clouds to notice these things most of the time

I've never really been a cliquey kind of person, hate all that $hit, like to spread my wings. It was horribly cliquey at university halls where people would have to sit with the same people at dinner every night :rolleyes:

There was a members only forum with it's own Mod (?) to let you join, so that was a clique of sorts. The there was 'da family' which was Babs' gang, Babs and I had a bit of run-in that kind of exploded into The Spotlight Wars during the 'Last Days Of Members'.

There was also 'Sheffield-gate', where a chap called Drew fell out with Babs' gang after they derided the steel city.

Then there was some very old school members who'd pop now again to say that all the good people were gone and the board wasn't as good as it used to be.

Oh and the whole board turned into a clique against poor Louise Sweeney, just because she was Saskia from Big Brother's relative.