
Ha you wouldnt be saying that if you could see our receptionist today - low cut vest top - she's 56 and not a cougar

I am not saying she has a wrinkly chest but she looks like she's smuggling a couple of Sharpei dogs in there..... shudders!!

It is the odd time like that, I'm glad I work in an all male office. No wrinkles to deal with. :lol:
Slightly off topic our receptionist dresses like yours Steph but she is 20! Having said that it causes a few stirs in the office :lol:

ours thinks she's 20 - someone needs to tell her its either the legs or the tits love - not both and please dont flash your breakfast by sitting with your legs apart ......
ours thinks she's 20 - someone needs to tell her its either the legs or the tits love - not both and please dont flash your breakfast by sitting with your legs apart ......

Ha ha ours does that - legs and tits, the blokes here love it as you can imagine.....
Our building is just a mass of windows so it gets like a greenhouse when its hot.
If i put my fan on or open the window it usually ends up blowing my papers everywhere...a tad annoying.

Finally won the battle of hot days in winter though. I'm usually always boiling so like the window open, then some old hag further down the office will complain she's too cold with 8 coats, 3 cardigans, numerous pairs of gloves, scarf's & hats all hanging on her chair.

"You can put all those bloody layers on if you're that cold, it's not as if i can just sit here with my top off is it" Quickly realised being a young bloke saying that in an office full of old women wasnt the best haha.
Some women have no shame at all haha looks like they get worse as they get older !!!

Cos i work in an office with all men i'd feel uncomfortable with anything on show
Some women have no shame at all haha looks like they get worse as they get older !!!

Cos i work in an office with all men i'd feel uncomfortable with anything on show

Mine are a bit like that - its quite a stuffy office but if you wear something slightly revealing or tight you get comments :eek:
That is the kind of thing I say when I am trying to be smooth. 'You look erm, uh, erm . . colourful'
Hook him up with a mate, unless you are going to give him mercy......

I wouldnt hook him up with a dog, let alone any of my mates...

think he nearly cried earlier after i said 'ive got a VERY busy month'....then he said hel put his MUG sticker back on :lol:
I wouldnt hook him up with a dog, let alone any of my mates...

think he nearly cried earlier after i said 'ive got a VERY busy month'....then he said hel put his MUG sticker back on :lol:

Why would you do lunch or dinner with him if he is so bad?