
Holiday clothes shoppibng for me this Saturday WOOHOOO, not bought one new thing in ages. Why do the general public think it is ok to start baring flesh just because the sun comes out, nothing worse than fatties revealing way too much YUCK

A friend of mine complained on FB about people getting their manky feet out :D
Holiday clothes shoppibng for me this Saturday WOOHOOO, not bought one new thing in ages. Why do the general public think it is ok to start baring flesh just because the sun comes out, nothing worse than fatties revealing way too much YUCK

Oh god, tell me about it :rolleyes: we have some right trollops round here who must think theyre bl**dy kelly brook or something, when the some comes out, eughh
Oh god, tell me about it :rolleyes: we have some right trollops round here who must think theyre bl**dy kelly brook or something, when the some comes out, eughh

Just because they make it in your size doesn't mean you need to wear it, A sign that should be put on every dressing room door.
I am the awkward teenager (despite being 35) following you around the internet pulling your hair for attention!
It's that special day in Manchester were the ladies start going low cut!

Whoop whoop!

Ha you wouldnt be saying that if you could see our receptionist today - low cut vest top - she's 56 and not a cougar

I am not saying she has a wrinkly chest but she looks like she's smuggling a couple of Sharpei dogs in there..... shudders!!
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: more like a toothless lion

Ha you wouldnt be saying that if you could see our receptionist today - low cut vest top - she's 56 and not a cougar

I am not saying she has a wrinkly chest but she looks like she's smuggling a couple of Sharpei dogs in there..... shudders!!
Ha you wouldnt be saying that if you could see our receptionist today - low cut vest top - she's 56 and not a cougar

I am not saying she has a wrinkly chest but she looks like she's smuggling a couple of Sharpei dogs in there..... shudders!!

This made me laugh!
Slightly off topic our receptionist dresses like yours Steph but she is 20! Having said that it causes a few stirs in the office :lol: