Hangover Club - Slight Edition

I dunno how anyone can spend hours on the crapper, but then I have a pretty high fibre diet. Surely booze (and the gases contained within) pushes it through faster too?

you lucky bastrd.

I sound (and probably look) like a hippo giving birth
I spend less time on the bog, but do need to go more often. Lots of fruit, veg, brown bread and high fibre cereal, Olly - either that or some stims. :lol:
She makes me coffee and breakfast for the car every day, sweetheart that she is. I leave at 6am, so she wakes when I do at 5.30, and make me stuff while I'm in the shower, then she goes to the gym at 6.30. Military planned operation every day8)
Dear sweet lord. I hope you've got a ring and are just waiting for the right moment to propose. Definite keeper!

I'm lucky if mine makes me a bowl of lentil soup for dinner once every 6 months (that's about the only thing she cooks).
She makes me coffee and breakfast for the car every day, sweetheart that she is. I leave at 6am, so she wakes when I do at 5.30, and make me stuff while I'm in the shower, then she goes to the gym at 6.30. Military planned operation every day8)

My missus does the same for me. she is so sweet
My friends boyfriend ACTUALLY believes that.

If he even catches her in the bathroom he goes "ewwwwwww"

Immature much?!
My friends boyfriend ACTUALLY believes that.

If he even catches her in the bathroom he goes "ewwwwwww"

Immature much?!

What, does she go with the door open or something?!

He'll end up giving her a complex. :confused:

Anyway, I know girls fart coz I have sisters and also a big lass once farted while we were kissing on her sofa.
I lived with 2 neanderthals at university who would try and out-fart each other whilst we were watching top of the pops in a bid to attract the 2 girls we lived with. The house was a nest of hormonal intrigue where various people fancied each other but where nobody matched up. I was quite relieved to be out of it - a strict outsider who everybody else hated equally.
What, does she go with the door open or something?!

He'll end up giving her a complex. :confused:

Anyway, I know girls fart coz I have sisters and also a big lass once farted while we were kissing on her sofa.

No she is very discreet. I think he just lurks outside and asks her what she is doing in there.

He sounds very random at times I have to say.