Hangover Club - Slight Edition

After Sunday afternoons goings on in Clapham, my thing to get over a hangover is, make yourself vomit :eek: :lol:….. it worked for me then so il stick that for now lol.

Cannot ever stomach the thought of hair of the dog let alone drinking alcohol for at least 2 days afterwards…:confused:

Thing with me and going out and drinking is, I don't know my limit and if im out for a whole night it's a bad habit of mine to always have a drink in my hand and going in for the occasional shot or jager bomb..........:eek:

As for the memory loss, jesus Christ this is bad sometimes, all I can say is thank god for cameras capturing all the moments seeing I can rarely piece a whole night together :rolleyes: :lol:

Thats me to a tee - end up having such a good night I often suggest the shots - then really really regret it the next day - never learn :rolleyes:
I don't know what my limit is anymore. :confused:

This is going to make going out fun when I first go out drinking again.
Slight edition of hangover club for me this morning :(

2 large glasses of wine = rather large headache and the need for a bacon sandwich

Drinking on a Tuesday night is never a good idea unless you're on holiday on Wednesday, but one of my friends is heading out for his third tour of Afghanistan so we had to give him a good send off.
From my own personal view, drunk men are far less likely to be let in than drunk girls.

Have to agree there im afraid, dependant on the level of drunkness the person is.

How people get drunk soooo quick before entering a club is beyond me, esp if you know you intend to end up in a club for the majority of the night :confused:

Im doing well in my town for getting in clubs and bars etc, just a shame about how i am escorted out of them :lol:
Have to agree there im afraid, dependant on the level of drunkness the person is.

How people get drunk soooo quick before entering a club is beyond me, esp if you know you intend to end up in a club for the majority of the night :confused:

Im doing well in my town for getting in clubs and bars etc, just a shame about how i am escorted out of them :lol:

When I'm under the influence I smile and I look pretty happy, so I wiz by most doorman
Me too, and Im 27.......

Once I stop getting asked I know its game over :lol:

whats funny is, i go out in Maidstone most weekends (well used to) and ALWAYS get ask for id...go out in Clapham and dont get asked ONCE :rolleyes: its almost automatic pilot to start delving in the handbag to find the ID before they ask :spank:
I last got ID'd about a year ago (or rather I got refused service because I didn't have any). I'm 35. :spank: It wasn't just a one-off, as a few months earlier an over-zealous shop assistant had to think about whether to sell me a bottle of wine. :rolleyes:
I last got ID'd about a year ago (or rather I got refused service because I didn't have any). I'm 35. :spank: It wasn't just a one-off, as a few months earlier an over-zealous shop assistant had to think about whether to sell me a bottle of wine. :rolleyes:

Some places are stupidly hot on ID....i know they have to be careful but seriously sometimes you feel like saying 'now youre actually taking the piss' :rolleyes:
whats funny is, i go out in Maidstone most weekends (well used to) and ALWAYS get ask for id...go out in Clapham and dont get asked ONCE :rolleyes: its almost automatic pilot to start delving in the handbag to find the ID before they ask :spank:

I find I never get asked in London, only back in Essex!

What makes me laugh about is supermarkets is when you are doing a full shop of food not just booze and they still ID you