i know i was just making the point that pacha replicas don't work. the lack of policing/control of what pacha franchises represent tho, which the urgells will preside over, does worry me.
crowd/people, i mean the same thing. i have no doubt that any new pacha will be successful and busy and have a crowd but it's whether it will appeal to me, as a pachalover, whether it will represent what pacha ibiza is. it's all about whether the heartbeat of the club can continue beating, i feel a change of venue may constitute a sever too deep for the new pacha to be pacha in anything other than name.
back in the day 99-01 is better personally cos i know it more intimately than recent years, of course it doesn't make it actually better, only than for me.
with dc10 - i feel it's jsut different from what i liked about it.
space - the club has lost things forever by expanding/redeveloping but of course it has gained a great many things also. it can only ever be subjective as to whether the positives outweight the negative. i still think space is a spectacular clubbing experience. the heartbeat is still there.
anfield - having seen some plans this week as to the what the new stadium will be like, i now feel better about the move, in fact actively for it and this is cos i know the fans (which are the heartbeat of the club) have been understood.
the point is that for things we love, I believe to not question the decision, not seek the rationale/logic behind decisions, ponder alternatives, foresee problems, fear outcomes, or on the other positively embrace developments, is a purely apathetic attitude and makes the decisionmakers unaccountable to their stakeholders/custom.
my presumed resistance to change is purely apprehension over things i love but i have no influence over. voicing my concerns/ideas/etc publically and encouraging others to do the same is about the only way i can exert any influence whatsoever.
visca pacha!