its called la bodeguita del mediothe shop in c. santa creu 15 turns into a tapas baron a curious note, there are other locals in c. santa creu for sale. two of them at least are expected to turn into bars in the future, like the restaurant la turra last year which used to be a shop![]()
open again..... it continues as deep centerMcRackin on winter gossip said:the gay club deep center in figueretas, owned by miguel from dôme, is for sale
after a year closed it has turned into the italian restaurant ritrattoMcRackin on winter gossip said:more venues that remained closed this summer:
· the restaurant living life in avda. 8 de agosto
it will be called vila cafethe shoes shop boutique cecile in plaza del parque (between sargantanas and henry's) turns into a bar
now owned by enrique and horst from mambo bar in la marina.....
open againforced to close one more time!! :xit reopened last fridayforced to close once again!!forced to close again, according to today's ultima hora!!McRackin on bars in ibiza town said:aramón reopens tonightMcRackin on bars in ibiza town said:last weekend aramón closed for good, after various denuncias by certain venue jealous of their success..........![]()
after another two months closed, the bar aramón next to plaza del parque reopens next friday
after a winter as solo nación it has turned into into nación tierra againnación tierra in sa penya (known as pocholo bar last summer) has turned into solo nación for the winter with live flamenco music on fridays and djs the other nights
it opened recently and its managed by josé from dôme/solo bar.
it has turned into an officeMcRackin on winter gossip said:end of june and.......... still for sale.....McRackin on winter gossip said:what used to be gusto (the restaurant in ibiza nueva next to keeper), which has been closed since last december, is still for sale!!