>>> GOSSIP winter 06/07

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:arrow: the sex shop q.g. gay & lesbian bazar in sa penya has turned into the clothes shop emmanuelle :!:

:arrow: the restaurant el cocedero in playa den bossa (next to the hotel don toni) turns into pure sugar beach :!:

it opens on june 23rd. ibiza vibes with paul lomax every wednesday afternoon from june 27th (after in bed with space/twisted) and family with mr bosco every saturday afternoon from july 7th (after matinee).....

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McRackin on winter gossip said:
:arrow: more venues that remained closed this summer:

· the restaurant living life in avda. 8 de agosto
after a year closed it has turned into the italian restaurant ritratto :!:

McRackin on bars in ibiza town said:
McRackin on bars in ibiza town said:
last weekend aramón closed for good, after various denuncias by certain venue jealous of their success..........
aramón reopens tonight :!:
forced to close again, according to today's ultima hora!! :?
:arrow: after another two months closed, the bar aramón next to plaza del parque reopens next friday :!:
forced to close once again!! :(
it reopened last friday :!:
forced to close one more time!! :x
open again :!:


:arrow: nación tierra in sa penya (known as pocholo bar last summer) has turned into solo nación for the winter with live flamenco music on fridays and djs the other nights :!:

it opened recently and its managed by josé from dôme/solo bar.
after a winter as solo nación it has turned into into nación tierra again :!: :!:


:arrow: the pizzeria verona in san antonio (near the hotel club paraiso) has turned into alan & debbie's little britain pub :!:

:arrow: the clothes shop amanecer in ibiza town (between santa cruz church and sa graduada school) has turned into the bar/marisqueria sa cova :!:


:arrow: the record store/tattoo shop/hairdressers/internet cafe/whatever-you-need-we-have-it l'espai in es pratet has turned into the ice-cream parlour dolce carollo :!:

McRackin on winter gossip said:
end of june and.....
McRackin on winter gossip said:
:arrow: what used to be gusto (the restaurant in ibiza nueva next to keeper), which has been closed since last december, is still for sale!! :roll:
..... still for sale.....
it has turned into an office :!:

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