Google +

ok, last question from me today,

so it says that people have added me on google+... but then when I look in my circles... they are in my circles, but I'm not in their circles. How can that be if they added me first?
ok, last question from me today,

so it says that people have added me on google+... but then when I look in my circles... they are in my circles, but I'm not in their circles. How can that be if they added me first?

It's like a session on mushrooms trying to figure it all out!
ok, last question from me today,

so it says that people have added me on google+... but then when I look in my circles... they are in my circles, but I'm not in their circles. How can that be if they added me first?

you can add people in as many diff circles as you like.

Circles leave YOU in control of WHO you want to see posts in your circles. does that make sense?
Useful link for getting started:

The whole concept of google+ is Huuuge. It is not a clone or copy of facebook, it is way way bigger than the facebook concept. Google+ is bringing cloud computing into everyone's home, all your documents and everything in a central repository. Eventually you would have no need for any software on your pc other than the os, that's how I see this developing...
Useful link for getting started:

The whole concept of google+ is Huuuge. It is not a clone or copy of facebook, it is way way bigger than the facebook concept. Google+ is bringing cloud computing into everyone's home, all your documents and everything in a central repository. Eventually you would have no need for any software on your pc other than the os, that's how I see this developing...

There are people that are brain washed and will not leave face book.
Useful link for getting started:

The whole concept of google+ is Huuuge. It is not a clone or copy of facebook, it is way way bigger than the facebook concept. Google+ is bringing cloud computing into everyone's home, all your documents and everything in a central repository. Eventually you would have no need for any software on your pc other than the os, that's how I see this developing...

could be but at the end of the day your average Joe just wants to chat to mates and see pictures from holidays, and facebook does that, so im not sure this will hit the masses to the same scale as facebook.

I remember how long it took for some people to move off myspace, so this mass migration might take longer, that's if it happens at all.
I see your point, Ferd.

The nice thing with google+ (imo) is that you can make it as simple or complex as you want. The integrated video chat looks useful, apparently the video displays automatically of whoever is talking (quite what happens during an argument who knows!). The hangout feature is a simple yet a nice touch.

I never used myspace or friends-reunited, haven't really embraced facebook yet love everything about google+, prob a reflection of my geeky old age senility!
i think i will pass on Google+ just seems like another pain in the arse, Facebook & twitter is more than enough for me, sometimes too much.
I think the only reason that it's had a massive surge in numbers is that it's operated as 'invite only' which makes people think 'i must be special' etc, it's like an RnB/pop club that has a Vip section that anyone can get into.
I can't see Google+ becoming bigger than Facebook, as the latter has a huge loyal following, what makes twitter work is the amount of celebrities that use it, i use it to check out dj's new tracks and get free downloads from them :)
I don't think it'll be a flop though, unless they get their privacy settings wrong.
I don't :D If I have't interacted with you in 6 months then "buh bye!"

All my old school friends except about four who I do speak to occasionally got the bullet a few months ago. Anyone who updates about "hanging the washing out" or similar mundane tasks also gets canned.

The only one I have a conscience about deleting is a woman I work next to who I would like to delete but not sure how to get away with it!

I like the 'Circles' thing. That would alleviate the above problem of not letting work people see what I got up to at the weekend.

Would you delete me for updating about weird things people eat on the train :lol:
A friend has asked me to join Google Plus - I have signed up although trying to get my head round it.......

I do like the "circles/group" functions - means you dont have to always think before you post on FB - always worry about offending someone the more friends/colleagues you have on FB
Would you delete me for updating about weird things people eat on the train :lol:

NOOO! As a fellow train user I would be most intrigued! You'd probably 'get' my updates about the odd/smelly/downright rude people that I come across on my daily commute.

Yesterday there were 3 skanky looking blokes waiting on the platform talking in really broad Black Country accents about fighting and beating people up. Needless to say I waited to see which carriage they got on before getting on one the opposite end of the train