Google +

I don't :D If I have't interacted with you in 6 months then "buh bye!"

All my old school friends except about four who I do speak to occasionally got the bullet a few months ago. Anyone who updates about "hanging the washing out" or similar mundane tasks also gets canned.

The only one I have a conscience about deleting is a woman I work next to who I would like to delete but not sure how to get away with it!

I like the 'Circles' thing. That would alleviate the above problem of not letting work people see what I got up to at the weekend.

I update my status about once a month:oops::lol:
These few weeks are critical to the success of Google+

Any bad press or ridiculously slow uptake could ruin things (and being Google, they're hardly going to run out of bandwidth like Friends Reunited did when the server capacity went t!ts under the pressure) so they're being smart and introducing the invite only system to make it desirable and easier to manage.

With the groups/circles part - Facebook are doing it retrospectively. No one is going to go back through their friend lists and create intricate groups for each one (I know I won't) - so it's kinda too late for them to bother.

Once a critical mass of users has been reached, it'll be plain sailing and this is already happening.

Just spotted this statement:

Google+ To Pass 10,000,000 Users Tomorrow (on 7/12)

As I promised on Saturday night, I have finished updating my Google+ membership model with new data and re-estimated the Google+ user base.

My surname-based analysis shows that the number of Google+ users worldwide reached 7.3 million yesterday (July 10) – up from 1.7 million users on July 4th. That is a 350% increase in six days. The userbase is growing so quickly that it is challenging for me to keep up, since the number of users of any given surname (even the rare ones I am tracking) seems to be climbing every day.

More impressive than last week's growth is the astonishing growth in users from yesterday at mid-day to tonight -- a 30% jump. My latest estimate tonight shows approximately 9.5 million users. This suggests that 2.2 million people have joined Google+ in the past 32-34 hours.

I project that Google will easily pass 10 million users tomorrow and could reach 20 million user by this coming weekend if they keep the Invite Button available. As one G+ user put it, it is easy to underestimate the power of exponential growth.

My model is simple. I start with US Census Bureau data about surname popularity in the U.S., and compare it to the number of Google+ users with each surname. I split the U.S. users from the non-U.S. users. By using a sample of 100-200 surnames, I am able to accurately estimate the total percentage of the U.S. population that has signed up for Google+. Then I use that number and a calculated ratio of U.S. to non-U.S. users to generate my worldwide estimates. My ratio is 1 US user for every 2.12 non-U.S. users. That ratio was calculated on July 4th through a laborious effort, and I haven't updated it since. That is definitely a weakness in my model that I hope to address soon. The ratio will likely change over time.

Since I have been tracking this same cohort of surnames from my first day, I am able to accurately measure growth over time.

I am not claiming perfect accuracy, but I do think the model is sound. A quant has suggested a mathematical formula that I can use to calculate a range of Google users with a 99% level of accuracy, and one of my employees is working on that math now. I hope to include that in future models.

Here is one way to look at my model. Imagine the U.S. government in 2020 has no money left. I know that's hard to imagine, but stay with me. Imagine they wanted to conduct a 2020 census and subsequent decennial censuses with a degree of accuracy (let's say 95%) and to do it on a shoestring budget.

They had complete data for 2010 - the population and growth rates for every city and town in the country. To do 2020, they could just take a random sampling of 100 cities and towns across the U.S. that were representative and conduct the census JUST for those cities every 10 years. If those 100 cities averaged the same growth rates as the rest of the country, then their decennial censuses would be fairly accurate but very inexpensive. (Obviously the US example won't work and shouldn't be tried, since the purpose of the U.S. census is in part to determine Congressional representation - so a complete census must be done in the entire country.)

But my project is like that - a low-budget sampling. I have randomly selected 100 uncommon U.S. surnames and I am tracking the number of Google+ users with those names - updating my counts every 2-3 days. I am assuming that the growth in G+ users with those surnames is similar to the growth in G+ users with the other 150,000 or so surnames in the U.S. If I had resources to include 500 or 1,000 surnames in my sample, then I believe my model would be more accurate. But my time and budget available for this project are small, so it is what it is. And then I take the 2.12 - 1 non-US to US ratio to complete the calculations.

I'm not sure how many more times I'll update this. I do believe it is quite accurate. Much more accurate than a guess. It is based on sound starting data, but some of my assumptions may not be perfect. I look forward to Google announcing actual user numbers, so I can stop working on this in all my spare time. Or, perhaps, someone will discover an advanced query that actually works - that returns unique user profile pages but no pages that contain posts. People keep suggesting queries will work, but so far, I have found that none of them is accurate for user counts.
Facebook will be introducing "groups" which will work the same as the "circles" bit on Google plus one.
They already have.
Plus they have friend categories which help you limit certain posts to certain people.
Thought it best to get my circles organised early to save housekeeping tasks later on...quite an amusing task! :lol:

A-listers (this is the VIP areyyaaa)
Anything goes (for bizarre imagery)
Tweetcasts (general)
Controversial tweetcasts (for misdirected anger and political tirades)
Fitties (what it says)
Gurning celebs (vacuous nonsense)
Interesting people (political groups etc)
Professional networking (for masquerading as a normal person)
Randoms (people who add me and I've no idea who the feck they are)
Jumper wearing shamans and deep thinkers
School friends (good for bitching about people your own age letting themselves go!)
Sex gossip (community of shameless sluts)


THIS is how compartmentalised my life has become.
Anyway, I got a message saying,

"xxxx has invited you to join her on Google+"

So how do I get on then.. there is no "click here" link or anything.

edt: Ok, never mind... I did it... now what??
Oh this is going to be great! I'll still have the same friends but we will be on a different website and this will make it all far more interesting!

Quite crafty/ clever how the email you sent went straight to the google account linked to that particular email and never arrived at hotmail!
All emails sent as PM's added 8)

I'll keep checking today as I have to sit in waiting for delivery of a new mixer/controller.

Once it arrives though................... :lol:
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Quite crafty/ clever how the email you sent went straight to the google account linked to that particular email and never arrived at hotmail!

I don't get friend sent me an invite to my hotmail address, but in order to get into it I had to go to gmail, but log in with my hotmail account.

Which I guess now means I have linked my hotmail to my gmail world! :(

Problem with this Google + is I have no idea about the privacy settings... it seems the ONLY option is everyone can search for me