getting fit for ibiza, how is it done girlies!help needed!

Iv just lost 1st and believe me it was pure hell!!!!!! Iv been working out loads and greatly improved my fitness but I think if your just trying to loose weight for your hol - dont bother! Youll pile weight back on when your there because of the drink and rich foods! Best way of discuising extra pounds is fake tan!!!! Works every time! And also a couple of gym seshions or a run to make you feel a tad more toned!!! Eat plenty of veg and fruit and drink shed loadsa water to loose water youve stored! Detox for a day or 2 the week befor you go!!!! It really helps! Your body stores so many toxins and excess water!
klingclubber said:
Ibiza-girlie said:
uhh keep exercising, thats the difficult part!!!

jeez tell me about it
am meant to go to the gym tonight, but NOTHING is motivating me to go

i hate working out

Me too, life’s too short. I honestly believe in not forcing myself to exercise in boring ways like going to the gym. I’ve got far better things to do with my time. I try and fit exercise into my daily routine instead, like walking to work instead of taking the bus (It takes me 40 minutes to walk to work from my house and I do that twice a day five days a week at quite a fast pace) or taking the stairs instead of taking the lift, and of course dancing the whole weekend away.

I don’t have enough minutes in the day as it is, without trying to fit in going to the gym for a workout as well!
K i hear ya!
i couldn't walk to work though would take me 3 hours (once had to walk home when tube strike was on, was the most painful thing eVER)

will go to the gym tonight, i have take my cd walman so will make it easier to listne to some tuny runeys whils boringly working out!
K said:
Me too, life’s too short. I honestly believe in not forcing myself to exercise in boring ways like going to the gym. I’ve got far better things to do with my time. I try and fit exercise into my daily routine instead, like walking to work instead of taking the bus (It takes me 40 minutes to walk to work from my house and I do that twice a day five days a week at quite a fast pace) or taking the stairs instead of taking the lift, and of course dancing the whole weekend away.

I don’t have enough minutes in the day as it is, without trying to fit in going to the gym for a workout as well!

Wise words :D If you don't like the gym don't go, you're only punishing yourself forcing you to do something that you don't enjoy.

I'm with you K, I walk everywhere I can, run up stairs at tube stations (ok I look a bit stupid but it works :P ) and dance at a wkend, never do any 'proper' exercise, why put myself thru something I don't enjoy to try and make me an unrealistic bodyshape.
Yeah K, what you are doing is the best way if you don't fancy the gym. I go to the gym because I found a class that I really enjoy - aerobics. Its to music and there is a routine to it so its like dancing. I lost 1/2 stone and have kept it off purely by going to aerobics and eating more healthy. I sit in an office all day so enjoy using my lunch hour to go bounce around a room for 40 mins. I must be a bit strange, I actually look forward to the gym and feel crap if I can't go!
I have been to a few classes but to be honest the only one I enjoyed was body balance – a mixture of yoga and pilates, so I still go to that now and again. And I do enjoy a swim occasionally.
dont feel as if you have to go to the gym for 1.5 hours if you havent the motivation tell yourself youll blast it for 30 mins and leave, usually after that youve perked up if not LEAVE also slowly cut down on the carbs over a period of time especially at night, going from normal stuffing your face to a diet feels like torture over 1 day it normally takes me about 2 weeks to cut down and im a fitness fanatic treadmills etc are too boring and your watching the clock get yourself outside
Has anyone tried those belts you put onto your tummy which are meant to tone using electrodes?

I am thinking of investing in one as I saw one advertised on cable for only £25.
I don’t know if I’d be able to bear it cos I’m really ticklish. I’d give it a go if I thought it would work though. £25 is pretty cheap.

I don’t really think I need to lose that much weight but I could definitely do with toning up a bit. I wish there was a cheats way, I cant stand doing things like sit ups and press ups. :x
Luckily my part time job is working in a leisure centre, so I get to use the gym for free :)

you just need to balance doing cardiovascular work with weights to tone. Agree with swimming to-very good form of exercise.Also a good idea to avoid carbs at night-can be hard though!
quick take some vitiman cccccccccccccccccccccccc

(when u have the flu you don't really have an appetite, which means you'll loose some weight ;) always a plus to everything) :D
I do a lot of sport and have read a lot of books and tried a lot of methods to reduce body fat and my advice would be to (I'm going to bore the pants off you all here, sorry ;) )....

* Cut out processed foods as much as you possibly can, your body doesn't process the fats and carbohydrates that are in them because they've taken out all of the fibre in processing. Including Weight Watchers meals!

* Replace what you normally snack on with fruit. Eat plenty of fruit and veg.

* Cut out white bread and sugar from you diet.

* Drink as much PURE water as you can, about 2 litres a day if possible, avoid fizzy drinks and alcohol as much as you can until your holiday.

* If you are going to work out, eat more of foods which are high in protein, fish, eggs, nuts, cheese etc,

Ideally, you need to forget about what weight you are and worry about what you look like, which is what your worried about anyway isn't it? You need to be thinking about increasing your lean body mass (muscle) and reducing your body fat, you may not lose much weight but you will look better (cause you will be toned and slimmer). NO you wont be big and muscly before you ask!!

Go to the gym, don't overdo it on treadmills and aerobic machines cause your just wearing yourself out, warm yourself up on the cross trainer for about 5-10 mins, then work all your muscle groups on the machines, especially your abs if thats where you want to burn fat from, lift a weight which is comfortable (although you should be starting to struggle when you get to 10) for you to be able to do 10+ reps, start on 2 sets and work up to 3 sets when you've been a few times, do them slowly as well, slower the better. Then when you've finished on the machines, then do some aerobic exercise, your metabolic rate will be higher by now so you'll burn much more fat than you would doing these at the start of your workout.

Hoep that helps!
Questions for ya Elrobbie - how many ab crunches would I need to do and how often in a week if I wanted to tone up before Ibiza?? I go in 5 weeks. Also, I have small dumb bells in the house - would it make a difference using them everyday? Ta v much.