Friend Requests On Spotlight

To be fair I didnt have my usual mid day nap (door closed > head on desk) so I think I am doing pretty well today.

I'm often in danger dozing off in my office after a late night or big lunch. Especially when it's quiet. I usually resist but once I did doze off and then the head of IT walked in and woke me up :lol: Fortunately, it was 19:00 so after work hours :)

I'm often in danger dozing off in my office after a late night or big lunch. Especially when it's quiet. I usually resist but once I did doze off and then the head of IT walked in and woke me up :lol: Fortunately, it was 19:00 so after work hours :)

I just close my office door and go for it. One time though someone came in and I had to sit up quickly and they questioned why I had a big red mark on my forehead :lol: Thankfully it wasnt anyone too important.
they questioned why I had a big red mark on my forehead :lol: Thankfully it wasnt anyone too important.
"It's from slapping my forehead each time I have to deal with the idiots in this office and their stupid questions. Now... what was it you wanted?"
I would love a friend request from Jesus!

Never noticed the friend option on here to be honest. I'm away with the clouds at the best of times!
F**k knows how to add people,i jst had people add me after a few days of being on here,thought it was the norm :lol:

Check me with 6 friends :D Rock and Rolla Baby 8)
Thanks to Blondie I am now up to four. That should prop up my self esteem and stop me crying myself to sleep for a night or two.
Thanks to Blondie I am now up to four. That should prop up my self esteem and stop me crying myself to sleep for a night or two.

Hally i've had a right rubbish today today but now i've seen this and feel i have acheived something and for that i thank u ;)