Friend Requests On Spotlight

Well hello Sally, please to make your acquaintance. In the words of the inbetweeners "Ooooh, friend. Spotlight friend" :D
I've only had one Friend request here,must admit I was a bit taken aback!

So that is how you learned the inside info on that 'particular forumite' :lol::lol:

Gone, like Kyser Sose, never to be seen again, she must have found true love or been butchered by one of the guys she wrote about!
I did not realise so many people had their photos on.

Olly, I assumed you had a beard, don't know why!

Couple of cheeky ladies about also!
Went for a look, thats well a thumbnail off google images! Seems to be working though :lol:

/me heads off to google images....
Not sure all the photos are real though, as someone called coastline kid looks very much like Dane Cook (HOT)

He messages me all the time and asks me to meet him, to go to his bar - he's a DJ in Ibiza of doubt this happens to other female (and maybe also male??) spotlighters. I've never seen him post anything I never even knew he had a pic!
He messages me all the time and asks me to meet him, to go to his bar - he's a DJ in Ibiza of doubt this happens to other female (and maybe also male??) spotlighters. I've never seen him post anything I never even knew he had a pic!

hahaha same !! his pic is hot but that is because it is Dane Cook although he insists it is him