NakedAge, pay no attention to Robbie G, he was loving Oakie's trance as much as his biggest fan last Friday at Ministry.
In fact I think at one point I heard him start the "oakie oakie oakie" chant..

Regarding this topic, I'd normally have fallen for the bait too.
I like trance, not particularly Tiesto. But he's done me no harm. Neither has Guetta.. two of whom Robbie G wants to punch.. who was the other? i forgot
In fact I think at one point I heard him start the "oakie oakie oakie" chant..

Regarding this topic, I'd normally have fallen for the bait too.
I like trance, not particularly Tiesto. But he's done me no harm. Neither has Guetta.. two of whom Robbie G wants to punch.. who was the other? i forgot