Films involving/about ibiza

White Lines is brilliant. I hope they make more! :)

I just finished episode 10 and it feels like I've just awoken from a nightmare. It was really emotional. That strange feeling that you can't quite shake after an intense dream... That's the feeling I've got.

For those who live there, it must come as sort of a shock to see a representation of your home that seems foreign and perhaps even ill motivated. From the perspective of an outsider, I feel like part of my mind went to Ibiza with those characters and lived in that world together among them.

It's bizarre the way we as humans experience cinema or even television. We become involved in the plot. The emotional connection is visceral! There's something so powerful and ethereal about that. White Lines is no exception. Every plot twist was a rollercoaster! ?
I hope this is a piss take. It’s utter garbage! 10hrs of my life I won’t get back, for some reason I kept watching to see if it got better and it didn’t. The 90s scenes were embarrassing and the axel character was a c*nt ??
anyone been able to rent or buy This Is Ibiza from Amazon Prime? It says Renting movie but then errors back to the payment screen every time.
I hope this is a piss take. It’s utter garbage! 10hrs of my life I won’t get back, for some reason I kept watching to see if it got better and it didn’t. The 90s scenes were embarrassing and the axel character was a c*nt ??
it was beyond poor, shit acting ontop of a shit storyline ..the only merit it had to work with was it is by the same makers as money heist and it was meant to be in Ibiza and they couldn't even commit to that wasn't it filmed in Majorca?

Botch cc's I tried are registered with a Dutch adress indeed. Why would it be UK only...that's pretty much promoting piracy.
Absolutely. Other "services" let you download to keep. With streaming services like amazon etc, you buy it but if close account or whatever you lose it. Also streaming services remove older content regularly so it could disappear in few years anyhow. Hence why I do like physical media for stuff I'm bothered about.

Have a full wall in my living room with books and films - would look good in a zoom broadcast ?
kudos on the commitment aha, someone may put a stream up at some stage
Lol, it was worth the try. Didn't worked. I think it still sees my account linked to a dutch dress / cc even though I tried paying with a gift card.
What could work is make a new account on a UK dress and buy another gift card. But yeah it will be available somewhere soon I guess.
Lol, it was worth the try. Didn't worked. I think it still sees my account linked to a dutch dress / cc even though I tried paying with a gift card.
What could work is make a new account on a UK dress and buy another gift card. But yeah it will be available somewhere soon I guess.
It might actually look at the Amazon account as you said but also the device you are playing it on (if firestick etc will be registered to your account)

Message Amazon asking why you can't buy it. The helpdesk seem pretty good mostly.
The only thing I can think of is that they are releasing it in other regions a few days later. Happens with some amazon series. (UK might premier first due to producers/who funded it? ?‍♂️?‍♂️)
I've just bought the HD version. As a thrifty yorkshireman, I'm sweating a little after that ?

Initial thought. Host is an american who keeps pronouncing it 'ibiizza'. Obviously not watched batman who tells you how to say it 'ibitha' ?‍♂️?
I've just bought the HD version. As a thrifty yorkshireman, I'm sweating a little after that ?

Initial thought. Host is an american who keeps pronouncing it 'ibiizza'. Obviously not watched batman who tells you how to say it 'ibitha' ?‍♂️?
Many Americans will say it "EeBeeZa" not knowing that in the whole of Great Britain it's "EyeBeeThuh". lol (did I do that right? lool...)
Lol, it was worth the try. Didn't worked. I think it still sees my account linked to a dutch dress / cc even though I tried paying with a gift card.
What could work is make a new account on a UK dress and buy another gift card. But yeah it will be available somewhere soon I guess.
Did you try a VPN with a UK ip?
Did you try a VPN with a UK ip?
Yeah I did.
I just asked Amazon why I can't rent or buy it. Even with VPN, a account and a UK gift card it will still need my creditcard...since you need to sign up to prime with a creditcard. And that creditcard is registered to a dutch adress and they need a UK billing account.
So even with a Uk amazon gift card I can't buy or rent the movie because they see my dutch cc
Got a refund for the giftcard but it's crazy stupid right?