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I'm ecstatic!You are in luck, its been commissioned for a second season. Hopefully they can film more in Ibiza if its quiet this year!

I'm ecstatic!You are in luck, its been commissioned for a second season. Hopefully they can film more in Ibiza if its quiet this year!
It truly is nothing more than 10 wasted hours of my life I'll never get back. Kept hoping that it would get better every episode. I thought episode 7 or 8 was I decided to sit it out until the finale, but it was horrible ?White Lines is appallingly bad television. Bad script, terrible story, garbage acting and everyone except Boxer and Kika were insufferable c**ts.... especially that woman who wanked off virtually everyone she met (her husband, a priest and her son ffs) I was actually hoping most of them died by the end
Imagine the producers after Netflix wrote that cheque, they mustn’t have believed their luck. Weeks in the sun cobbling together some half baked nonsense for a few hours a day and then straight to the beach. Can’t think they did many takes of each scene. Probably first take and then cracked open the beersWhite Lines is absolute rubbish. At times it veered into ‘so bad it’s good territory’ - which I’ll admit at times gave me and the Mrs some big laughs.
The filming location thing didn’t really bother me though it would have been nice to see Ibiza on screen.
The script was abysmal - the guy who turned into the hippy had some of the worst of it, the acting in the most part was soap opera like and the plot was just ridiculous. Probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever watched
I am utterly amazed that anyone has been paid to make such a programme, and that at no stage did someone look at what was being made and take the decision to pull the plug. Netflix must have given a blank cheque after the guy’s success with Money Heist.
I genuinely think I could have come up with something better. And it’s no.1 in the UK on Netflix which I can’t fathom.
I am watching "Money Heist" which is done by the same guy who did "White Lines", Álex Pina, and it is dubbed into English; at least it is in the U.S. I am learning Spanish (I've taken two semesters of español...) and really liked how "White Lines" had a little Spanish; though they speak fast enough that I only pick out a few words... I think it's interesting how they handle languages!
I think "Money Heist" was written for a Spanish audience though so it made more sense to dub English for an English audience in this instance.
Get out while you still can ;-)Just finished episode two. I'm finding it watchable despite its flaws. Will post a little more later
I'm sort of undecided about "Money Heist" at the moment. Some things are good; the actors are fantastic... But other things leave me with a cold feeling. For instance I'm a little frustrated with the plot. I'm sure this will improve, because I'm only on the fourth or fifth episode of part 1. But it seemed for the most part predictable in at least one instance.I actually liked White Lines better than the most recent season of Money Heist.
Try the film summer of 84 you might enjoy that as well. Think it’s on Netflix.Just finished Stranger Things S3.
Absolutely in love that with that one. I'm thinking of going back to S1 while we wait for S4.
But only through Amazon Prime? That's a subscription thing right? With Netflix, Disney plus, Beatport Link and Spotify..I really can't see myself doing another lol.‘This is Ibiza’ looks like a documentary rather than a film? out end of this week.
I managed to find a trailer for itBut only through Amazon Prime? That's a subscription thing right? With Netflix, Disney plus, Beatport Link and Spotify..I really can't see myself doing another lol.
But only through Amazon Prime?