Facebook - what does the future hold?

I must admit I do find it kind of sad in a way that when you meet up with friends you talk about things you have seen on FB or Twitter - or things you already know about each other before meeting. IE holiday photos etc, you can already have seen a friends photos before actually seeing THEM IN PERSON. But then I guess it also has a positive....
It's that very point that will force me away from using fb, I already try hard to not conform to the general expectations of 'society' :lol:
Yes... you'll try... but then some other website that you really do want to log in to will have Facebook integration and you'll need your FB account anyway :twisted: (has happened to me, btw)

I must admit I do find it kind of sad in a way that when you meet up with friends you talk about things you have seen on FB or Twitter - or things you already know about each other before meeting. IE holiday photos etc, you can already have seen a friends photos before actually seeing THEM IN PERSON. But then I guess it also has a positive....
There are advantages... like not having to repeat the same info to different sets of friends. :D
Yes... you'll try... but then some other website that you really do want to log in to will have Facebook integration and you'll need your FB account anyway :twisted: (has happened to me, btw)

There are advantages... like not having to repeat the same info to different sets of friends. :D

Annoyingly this does work very nicely, google seem to have tried this for years but it was never pain free. I ended up with three or four google a/c's as I could never remember the previous one I had setup!! The 'login using facebook account' is totally seamless.

My new year resolution for 2012 is to get the hell out of facebook for good :)
It's always the people with less than 10 'friends' that seem to think it'll come to an end ;)

I think it'll be around for a very long time as it's always improving. When I first signed up you had to be a part of a university that was registered to it and it was very basic.

There have been so many decent additions over the years and they seem to be plucking them out all the time.

I am a big fan of twitter, used it at first as my way of ranting without having to update my fb status loads (and piss everyone off) and now i have quite a lot of friends on their its amazing for the banter.
There have been so many decent additions over the years and they seem to be plucking them out all the time.

Interesting, I can't think of any addition other than the one Morbyd mentions that is an improvement from the first time I used the site back in 2006/ 2007. I remember waiting impatiently for scrabble to be fixed in the early days though!

The irony of all this is that I have used fb more over the past two weeks than the past six months leading me to think it is a load of old pony. Maybe I am just a miserable old twozzer.:confused:
Facebook didn't originally come with chat, with the addition of that i no longer use msn which is a bonus.

The comment box under status' and anything else you do. Makes it a lot easier to keep up with what's been said in regards to different posts as opposed to having to flick between various peoples walls to catch up.

Tagging of people in wall post etc (like twitter) makes it easy to get messages across to many people.
The most popular form of online advertising is CPM, which means cost per 1000 page impressions. So every time the page is viewed 1000 times, Facebook charges the advertiser roughly €8.

You dont but the Sun or the Sunday Times to buy a new fridge or other items but there are adds there for them, which cost a lot more to advertise, roughly €60 a square inch depending on the circulation of the newspaper.

Compare that to CPM and as SH2 rightly says its way more cost effective.

Also Facebook can target adverts to the advertisers core market. Ever notice if you type in a certain word like "wedding" or "Man Utd" the number of relevant adds to those keywords that will appear to the right of your page?

There's also cost per click method on Facebook through its API which is what I use.

Only recently started working on Facebook, and i have to say it's advertising program is years behind Google. Maybe it's because I've been using for Google for so long, but it seems clunky to me.

It's not a surprise Facebook keep getting Google's programmers and best tech people.

In terms of ad revenue, i think read somewhere it's only a matter of a couple of years before FB will get to Google's level.

Bez, SH2 where do you guys work?
Facebook is an easy way to keep up with friends and family. I can post a photo and all my friends know what I'm up to, it is quick and to the point.
It's interesting you advertising guys think fb is such a big medium. Obviously it has a mind boggling user base, but interest is waning rapidly.

I cannot be the only user on here who has seen activity drop to the extent a dozen friends are responsible for 95% of what shows in my timeline?
It's interesting you advertising guys think fb is such a big medium. Obviously it has a mind boggling user base, but interest is waning rapidly.

I cannot be the only user on here who has seen activity drop to the extent a dozen friends are responsible for 95% of what shows in my timeline?
You might want to check your settings.

By default, FB will automatically limit which friends regularly show up in your feed based on whatever various factors and algorithms they've come up with.

There's a setting (if you scroll down to the bottom of the home page, you'll see an "edit options" link) that has it include all of your friends and pages.
It's always the people with less than 10 'friends' that seem to think it'll come to an end ;)

I think it'll be around for a very long time as it's always improving. When I first signed up you had to be a part of a university that was registered to it and it was very basic.

There have been so many decent additions over the years and they seem to be plucking them out all the time.

I am a big fan of twitter, used it at first as my way of ranting without having to update my fb status loads (and piss everyone off) and now i have quite a lot of friends on their its amazing for the banter.[/QUOTE]

Completely agree!!
I use Facebook daily (have never tried twitter) I much preferred DSI but all my mates defected to FB :( So where some people are using it less some people like me are using it more, maybe because I am newly single, extremely sociable (i should point out i don't stay in talking on FB rather than having a life) and have very different friends not all in Bristol or UK, I love FB chat (don't use any other IM) and have found a plasterer, a man with a van, someone to bring me chocolate and lifts all with a simple message as well as being sent links to amazing tracks (old and new) I can see why someone wouldn't use it lots of my friends don't but for me it is still a winner.

Just thought i would give a different perspective
It has turned into quite an interesting thread to read all the differing views.

Having moved to our current location five years ago, we were initially friendless in the village, so for connecting with old friends and work buddies, fb was ideal. Funnily enough I have not added a single of the new friends we have made in the village as I saw no point. My wife on the other hand has added them all!:D

Originally I was making the point of how fb could ever generate much revenue from adverts. Clearly fb is still flourishing for many, but I fail to see how the adverts are ever going to return revenue google style.
It has turned into quite an interesting thread to read all the differing views.

Having moved to our current location five years ago, we were initially friendless in the village, so for connecting with old friends and work buddies, fb was ideal. Funnily enough I have not added a single of the new friends we have made in the village as I saw no point. My wife on the other hand has added them all!:D

Originally I was making the point of how fb could ever generate much revenue from adverts. Clearly fb is still flourishing for many, but I fail to see how the adverts are ever going to return revenue google style.[/QUOTE

As much as I am on FB and as pretty relevant the advertising is I have never been tempted to buy because of it (and I am easy to sell to) so your point is valid, I still use it but don't buy from it (have sold tickets on it though)
It has turned into quite an interesting thread to read all the differing views.

Having moved to our current location five years ago, we were initially friendless in the village, so for connecting with old friends and work buddies, fb was ideal. Funnily enough I have not added a single of the new friends we have made in the village as I saw no point. My wife on the other hand has added them all!:D

Originally I was making the point of how fb could ever generate much revenue from adverts. Clearly fb is still flourishing for many, but I fail to see how the adverts are ever going to return revenue google style.[/QUOTE

As much as I am on FB and as pretty relevant the advertising is I have never been tempted to buy because of it (and I am easy to sell to) so your point is valid, I still use it but don't buy from it (have sold tickets on it though)

The adverts. I get on my home page have lead my to buy somethings, but I think Google does a better job of it. If I google it is the exact thing I'm looking for. I golf often:lol: and look for equipment. I just ask my friend google what it thinks.