what time you guys recommend getting in for closing - hate queuing - and going to ants before hand.
what time you guys recommend getting in for closing - hate queuing - and going to ants before hand.
if you hate queuing I'd leave ants half an hour before it closes and go directly over to space.
We are doing this also. Can't wait!! See you there. I'll be the one with a huge grin on my face.what time you guys recommend getting in for closing - hate queuing - and going to ants before hand.
We are doing this also. Can't wait!! See you there. I'll be the one with a huge grin on my face.
nice one - got stuck in a line for fabric for 3 hours so has scarred me for life!
11.00pm or 11h30 pm with pre paid ticket...what time you guys recommend getting in for closing - hate queuing - and going to ants before hand.
So when people are saying its 'rammed' 'sardines' etc would you say its just in the mix in the main rooms but still room to navigate room to room and space to have a breather?I was there last Saturday on guest list and the queue was massive. But well worth it, yes it was busy but what a party. Chilled out danced on sunset terrace when it got a bit too much then finished the night with groove armarda on covered terrace. So much fun, can't wait for the closing now.