
what time you guys recommend getting in for closing - hate queuing - and going to ants before hand.

I went out of Ants at the end, grabbed a quick slice of pizza and drink from a shop near Ushuaia and then went straight to Ants, this was mid-june though.
Worst queue ive had was defected closing at Booom a few years ago, the door and club just couldnt deal with the numbers in the queue, it felt like they had been letting people pay on the door and then realised there was still hundreds in the queue with legit tickets, must of queued about 2 hours for that shite. Although thought the soundsystem in there was top notch
what time you guys recommend getting in for closing - hate queuing - and going to ants before hand.
11.00pm or 11h30 pm with pre paid ticket...
Bring earplugs & beach bag :cool: & spot the black club card for the games where u have to gather 4 people with difefrent cards to win a hierbas chupito..

How many money elrow note to get a goodie? i got 2 from aug 16
what were the other games to win chupitos or goodies?
hope this time i will win more than 5 hierbas chupitos :lol: & pick more than 5 waterproof elrow balls to all my nephews (5+) :D
i was in quiet messy state , thinking green color feet was black one,at the wheel game :spank:
Will be there tonight with the misses in a blue ny islanders hat and blue ibiza underground shirt, come say hello if you see me bouncing around in a raft:p
Went to Elrow on the 3rd sept, couldnt believe how busy it was, left at 3am. If you cant bare feeling like a sardine, give it a miss
i ve already warned the people making queue twice ,one time 1hour 30 & 45mn..go there from the beginnin & look for nice spot in main room such as close to dj booth with earplugs..this is the most popular Space party beating Cox 's one...
i've got tickets from Spotlight and want to avoid waiting for hours in line. what time do people recommend getting there? if you buy tickets from one of the shops/bars, presumably you dont have the same queue?
yes, the queue for prepaid/gueslist is on the right & no long queue to deal with max 20mn..
i gess wristbands is not considered as gueslsit /prepaid ticket & is left queue but lef queeu was huge, sometime staff open shortcut when close to entrance doors sometimes not as ive experiences it, shutting shortcust atr the time we were in fornt of & then u got a kinf of big BIG queeu as uthere was kind 3ranks of people making queue
its a mess as many people try to sneak queu & so on..be there b4 midnight..as far as im concerned after zoo project i will end Space P for Elrow max 00h..
I was there last Saturday on guest list and the queue was massive. But well worth it, yes it was busy but what a party. Chilled out danced on sunset terrace when it got a bit too much then finished the night with groove armarda on covered terrace. So much fun, can't wait for the closing now.
what is the queue on the far left of Space, i didnt get it, as just spot the 2 queues on right of space..left is for people buying tickets/wrisbands, right is for gueslist prepaid ticket)
I was there last Saturday on guest list and the queue was massive. But well worth it, yes it was busy but what a party. Chilled out danced on sunset terrace when it got a bit too much then finished the night with groove armarda on covered terrace. So much fun, can't wait for the closing now.
So when people are saying its 'rammed' 'sardines' etc would you say its just in the mix in the main rooms but still room to navigate room to room and space to have a breather?
Was at last years closing and it was fine but getting the impression its a lot busier this year.
Im starting to think that what one person finds too packed/unbearable another can find busy but pretty standard depending on clubs you are familiar with.
So yeah first few hours in main room were rammed but I expected it and just went with it. Sunset terrace was loads of room to chill out and then the dance floor there was busy enough to have a dance with some atmosphere. The covered terrace was busy too but my lot there was about 15 of us got a space at the back and had no issues.