My 2 cents for what its worth.
I have long been a user of class A's. Almost 17 years, and while I am no means an expert on the subject, I feel I have enough experience to comment a little on the subject.
I have always been searching for an alternative or an "escape from reality" if you will. I was 13 years old when I smoked my first joint, 14 when I had my first alcoholic drink. 17 when I dropped my first pill and somewhere in the 10 years following my first ecstacy experience I smoked crack, ate mushrooms, took lsd and had morphine multiple times in all its various forms.
Living in America for almost 4 years during the end of my teens and early 20's I was exposed to a wide variety of top class supplements (for want of a better word) and I was fortunate to come away from these experiences unscathed.
Although I am still here, alive and kickin' as it were, to tell the tale. Unfortunately, some of my friends are not. I have lost 2 very close friends, 1 to cok3 and the other to xtacy.
My whole point here is to say that in my experience and the experience of working with different groups throughout the british and Irish isles is that its not always the drugs that kill people, but the people themselves. Now I know I will cop some slack from saying that but the night my first friend died, he passed away from a heart attack after taking cok3 that we all took from the same Key .He was 33 years old.
My other friend died after taking a pill, something which he had never done before. 1st time unlucky. Only thing is, there was at least 14 of us who had all bought pills from the same dealer at the same time and no-one else suffered at all from the pills. He was 27 years old.
My point (as long winded as it is) is that its maybe not the strength of the pills or other drugs in general thats the problem. But the user maybe not being experienced enough, or has underlying health problems.
I dont know for certain. I just find it hard to believe that a tablet that has been formed from a vat of powder thats has been mixed as evenly as possible in most cases, can somehow end up with all of the potency/toxins/waste of the entire batch and 1 poor sod ends up getting that pill while the other 9999 pills from that batch cause no harm at all.