
probably the most enjoyable drug I have ever taken but very dangerous stuff I think. Used to get cravings for it all the time when it was popular, and the comedowns were absolutely unbearable.

Wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole now
probably the most enjoyable drug I have ever taken but very dangerous stuff I think. Used to get cravings for it all the time when it was popular, and the comedowns were absolutely unbearable.

Wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole now

It can be pretty psychologically addictive, but when meph was legal, the number of cocaine deaths nosedived in the UK. And most of the reported meph fatalities were.. um.. fake news, with the authorities confusing mephedrone with methadone and other such nonsense. Granted, no-one knows the long-term health consequences of meph for sure, but we do know the long-term health consequences of cocaine for sure...
Yeah I never tried it either..something about going to a shop and buying it off some old bloke never appealed to me..

No internet? ;) The smell ain't that bad - sure you can smell it on your clothes after a sesh, but nothing a normal personal hygiene routine can't fix.
just a quick note: weed is the strongest drug out there & when consumed it takes over any other drug used during the night.
just a quick note: weed is the strongest drug out there & when consumed it takes over any other drug used during the night.
sorry but ive got to disagree with that statement mate, unless your smoking an ounce plus lol,i find a joint or 2 increases the effects of mdma
sorry but ive got to disagree with that statement mate, unless your smoking an ounce plus lol,i find a joint or 2 increases the effects of mdma

yes youre 100% right, a half a joint can do so if its strong & vice versa.

i usually only use pills & weed at all of my partying.

last time by mistake my friend & i went to love land ADE with a wrong bag of weed - its a very melow weed strain we took it there by mistake & u know what.... it killed the pills although i took around 4 in 7 hours it just killed it...

we did not even get high from the pills or music & it was my favorite DJ - richie hawtin playing all night long.

at some point in the party i was doubting my self that i have used any drug & then at the end we noticed that its from the weed & we were smoking the wrong weed.

& u know what for the first time in my life & ive been partying for more than 8 years now we finish & go to sleep!!!!!