

Is it something that is normally cut in with coke?

Very naively used to stack it with caffeine years ago to strip weight off when I boxed.

Fu cked up sleep and overheating like a motherf ucker were some nice side effects. Fainted one morning, had literally sweated myself dry just walking to the shop in my tracksuit.

Can’t imagine it’s much fun, or safe, to be bopping around in a nightclub on it.

Plus side though, come back from your holiday ripped.
Sparred once in a sauna suit after taking that. Actually thought I was gonna have a heart attack.
Remember ephedrine been quite speedy with these unpleasant side effects. I miss a legal high called china white, remember signing for it and the postie wishing me a good day haha
I miss being able to order pure Mephedrone online, arriveing the next day, and not worrying about getting caught with drugs.

As it happens, I very recently sampled what I reckon is the first genuine meph I've had in maybe 7 - 8 years. By no means an unproblematic drug, but meph was always to me what coke would be if it lived up to the hype (and at a fraction of the price).