Sounds good.. I want some haAbout cola, last week a friend in Santa Eulalia offered me a sample of a pink Peruvian shit, pure at 77 %(what he said, don't ask me to explain or understand).
I called it the x3 powder.
1 line, 3 hours of happiness.
No no,Pink coke? Maybe speed?
Wish I was Hahaha my nose is twitching hahahaI just happen to be staying in Santa Eulalia on my visit![]()
Apologies for being lazy and not reading through the earlier thread - but what is the story with the silver bars out there at the moment? My guy has ran out of soundclouds and said he only has bugatti's (@Life of Rye will avoid, many thanks) and Silver Bars.
He's a friend we've used for years and always had quality - but Ry's post has made me slightly dubious.
Bugatti - Avoid. I believe these are the new Audi. Funny that they are exact same colour and a car manufacturer. Very up and down but never really properly up and just sapped energy and crashy/mongy
Took matters into my own hand and sorted out different ones next day as I hadn't previously arranged.
Managed to get hold of Pink mushrooms and soundclouds
Pink mushrooms - these are decent and baring in mind consumed a day after done the job
Soundclouds - You can get them they are a slightly different orange as a new batch. NOT RED. Again the best. Even on 3rd consecutive night after a Bugatti and a Pink mushroom. Flying clean for 3/4 hours and no crash. Lots of energy and slight tingling in random places in body. Slept no problem
Still get the impression if you have a good dealer they hesitate to give away the soundclouds as he only brought aroughly half a dozen stating all he had left. He said that last year...
This was all written by a mate
Heard from a Friend the beak they had over this year is bang on best on the island for a while.
Clearly not purchased from a looky looky then![]()