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Managed to grab a slack handful of these for the weekend.
SoundCloud ecstasy pills with the NL & star embossed on the back. Pretty solid press. Sure I’ve had these ones before, they seem like a decent pill.
2C-B are some sort of Pokemon press. Slightly crumbly and very small.
Tested both with a reagent kit and they both came up pretty pure. No sign of anything undesirable.
I’d say the Soundclouds are pretty strong, well over 100mg anyway. Started with a half and let it do its thing. 40 or so minutes in and I was body popping like a maniac and talking 100mph in every direction

. So take your time with these, let them find their way into your system before you go too hard on them.
Followed up with the other half and in no time at all I was as smooth as the groove that was making me move
Sent the 2C-B into action not long after peaking. I’d say these particular ones are around 9 or 10mg. I took 2 and a half and they seemed to take me to a really good place. If you’ve tried them before you will know exactly what I’m talking about.
We were in Ushuaia. The combo of the planes flying over, lasers, lights, crowds, music etc made it a pretty awesome experience.
On the way home on the Disco bus from Plaja Den Bossa I thought they’d actually started to wear off. That bit where you go through the tunnel with all the lights felt like I was on a space shuttle or something
This was followed by some great visuals on the ceiling of my hotel room when I finally made it to my bed.
Good times my friends, please enjoy safely and watch out for your buddies when you go on these little adventures.
Until next time……….