
+1 for the sound clouds. Not the strongest but very clean and dancey. Zero hangover next day, I had 3 in one night which is unheard of for me as I’d usually lose all motor skills and the ability to communicate on that much, but I’d love it if they were like this every time, I had an amazing night.
+1 for the sound clouds. Not the strongest but very clean and dancey. Zero hangover next day, I had 3 in one night which is unheard of for me as I’d usually lose all motor skills and the ability to communicate on that much, but I’d love it if they were like this every time, I had an amazing night.
Are these the pink ones?
It's probably never a good idea to rely on a 'brand' for quality unless it comes from a bona fide source. There are always inferior imitators/conmen out there cashing in on brand reliability. I remember Pill Reports paradoxically made this worse because it spread the word perhaps too easily.

It's also interesting to read people talking about taking 2-3 a night. That suggests to me purity is down. 5-10 years ago doing more than one in a night might well have landed you in a complicated situation.. Perhaps we're heading back to the 2-tier market of the 2000s when people used to drop them like sweeties?
It's also interesting to read people talking about taking 2-3 a night. That suggests to me purity is down. 5-10 years ago doing more than one in a night might well have landed you in a complicated situation.. Perhaps we're heading back to the 2-tier market of the 2000s when people used to drop them like sweeties?

I used to read this years back and think it was mental, but that is my norm now, even when people in here have said they took one and were flying. Two is a very rare occurrence itself and they wear off quickly, I think it’s a combination of age tolerance/strength and it seems to show in here, the last 2 years it’s been hard to filter through which ones are good as there hasn’t really been a ‘recommended’ go to.

I seem to have a high tolerance for anything like this/alcohol given my size though, take weight consideration in and mine should be rather low!
I used to read this years back and think it was mental, but that is my norm now, even when people in here have said they took one and were flying. Two is a very rare occurrence itself and they wear off quickly, I think it’s a combination of age tolerance/strength and it seems to show in here, the last 2 years it’s been hard to filter through which ones are good as there hasn’t really been a ‘recommended’ go to.

I seem to have a high tolerance for anything like this/alcohol given my size though, take weight consideration in and mine should be rather low!
Same here really - fortunate to have a reliable source on the island and quality is always great (we do occasionally test them too but as a acquaintance for the last 9years, he’s very much trusted)
I can do 3 in a night and be very fizzy but nothing silly so everyone is different I suppose.
Even for the rare occasion I go clubbing back in the UK (different source but equally as reliable) 3 seems to be standard for a “good night”.
Suppose it’s all about the people partaking - the inexperienced buy from a random on the street, seem to chase the “explosion” before it can biologically/chemically arrive and when it doesn’t, take more…that’s when they end up in a mess.
….Kids nowadays! 😂
Same here really - fortunate to have a reliable source on the island and quality is always great (we do occasionally test them too but as a acquaintance for the last 9years, he’s very much trusted)
I can do 3 in a night and be very fizzy but nothing silly so everyone is different I suppose.
Even for the rare occasion I go clubbing back in the UK (different source but equally as reliable) 3 seems to be standard for a “good night”.
Suppose it’s all about the people partaking - the inexperienced buy from a random on the street, seem to chase the “explosion” before it can biologically/chemically arrive and when it doesn’t, take more…that’s when they end up in a mess.
….Kids nowadays! 😂

Yeah, I've been using all of mine for years, but in the last couple there hasn't been a standout to go for really like before. Last year I think I tried each of the main few and there was no clear winner, not like years before. I scout out this thread for an idea but went in to each trip last year just going with the flow. I don't think many youngsters buy off the streets generally in my experience, look for others on it etc. In Ibiza I'll offer up if people are clearly tentatively prodding for more info without saying as much, it's best I tell them exactly what and how much than buying random shite, an open book and amnesty for questions is best :D