
It’s a shame everyone can’t be taken at face value, I’ve traveled through Spain with my family and I’ve been learning Spanish for 2 years so can more than get by, but the way some of the locals treated and spoke to us was shit. But watching these videos can show why people can start to feel this why. The shocking part for me in that video, is the guy saying he wouldn’t have it if people from abroad partied in his town like they do in ibiza, that attitude is f***in horrendous.
I'm a Spaniard (although been living abroad for 10+ years now) and what I've observed the times that I've been to Ibiza is that the people who were the most f'ed up beyond anything I'd seen before, were British. Just completely out of their minds, which of course leads to behaviour that nobody likes to see around you, whether you're a local or not.
I'm sure these are a minority but oh man, it's something else.

Like hey, I've been around and still very much "get into it" (going again in September!) so I don't mean to trash people. I'm just saying that folks who drink and do drugs (and I do, too) should be more mindful of the people around them.
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Some Friends had them on sat and others had pink triangular shaped pills. Good reports off both
Had the pink triangular ones on sat and although i definitely had a high it was quite mongy rather than that euphoric high. Hopefully the snapchats are still on the island this year
Cannabis is largely released now in germany. The criminalization is over. Its done by cannabis clubs. Similar as in Spain ?
Having lived in BCN for the last 8 years I can sadly confirm that around 95% of the Spanish dislike around 90% of the English (a figure which drops for Scots and Irish, perceived as friendlier overall). And no distinction is made between tourists and expats because many expats are seen as longterm tourists. I make no distiction between cities and resorts either because the same gripes surface all the time on Spanish twitter and media.

It isn’t just cliched, lagered/coked up balconing Brits abroad behaviour though. A lot of middle class Brits are disliked too for lording it over locals, creating ghettos, not learning Sp or Cat, and pricing people out. Of course this isn’t unique to Brits, it’s a global influx that is destabilising jobs and housing access, but the Brits are more visible than the rest because they tend to move around in packs. And are a lot louder than say the Asians, Africans, or other Europeans (in total around 20-25% of local population now)

The irony is that British culture, music, bands, tv, humour, cinema, eccentricity and classic brands are loved in Spain but then people are confronted by the reality… and then people like me get in the neck every fcking day of my life…

Maybe 5 or 10 people on the forum will read this post and some of them will nod and then it will be forgotten and business will go on as usual as it has done for the last 50+ years. Cos most of you deep down don’t give a shit about this stuff.

All I can say to anyone who does care is be nice, learn a few words, eat something decent and maybe you’ll break through the barriers but it will take many years to shift the stereotypes

I do agree with most of this. However, let’s be honest, Brit Bashing will always win votes right?
Having lived in BCN for the last 8 years I can sadly confirm that around 95% of the Spanish dislike around 90% of the English (a figure which drops for Scots and Irish, perceived as friendlier overall). And no distinction is made between tourists and expats because many expats are seen as longterm tourists. I make no distiction between cities and resorts either because the same gripes surface all the time on Spanish twitter and media.

It isn’t just cliched, lagered/coked up balconing Brits abroad behaviour though. A lot of middle class Brits are disliked too for lording it over locals, creating ghettos, not learning Sp or Cat, and pricing people out. Of course this isn’t unique to Brits, it’s a global influx that is destabilising jobs and housing access, but the Brits are more visible than the rest because they tend to move around in packs. And are a lot louder than say the Asians, Africans, or other Europeans (in total around 20-25% of local population now)

The irony is that British culture, music, bands, tv, humour, cinema, eccentricity and classic brands are loved in Spain but then people are confronted by the reality… and then people like me get in the neck every fcking day of my life…

Maybe 5 or 10 people on the forum will read this post and some of them will nod and then it will be forgotten and business will go on as usual as it has done for the last 50+ years. Cos most of you deep down don’t give a shit about this stuff.

All I can say to anyone who does care is be nice, learn a few words, eat something decent and maybe you’ll break through the barriers but it will take many years to shift the stereotypes
I think that maybe your experience is a Barcelona thing? I am English and have lived in Valencia for 13 years and I haven't experienced any of the negativity that you have described. On the contrary, the Spanish people I know have been very friendly and kind as have my neighbours and people generally. We too get a lot of tourists here and Valencianos appreciate that, and welcome the money that goes into the local economy. Sometimes a Spanish friend might make a joke about pissed-up Brits balconing in a holiday resort or whatever and I usually tell them that those people are a minority of uncouth f***wits from the shittier corners of the UK (not just England). They are not representative of English/British people in the main and they know that.
I think that maybe your experience is a Barcelona thing? I am English and have lived in Valencia for 13 years and I haven't experienced any of the negativity that you have described. On the contrary, the Spanish people I know have been very friendly and kind as have my neighbours and people generally. We too get a lot of tourists here and Valencianos appreciate that, and welcome the money that goes into the local economy. Sometimes a Spanish friend might make a joke about pissed-up Brits balconing in a holiday resort or whatever and I usually tell them that those people are a minority of uncouth f***wits from the shittier corners of the UK (not just England). They are not representative of English/British people in the main and they know that.

that is good to hear :)

and yes there's always a risk of over generalising on this topic but I just honestly reported my own findings here. I think also Valencia hasn't (yet) been exposed to the worst excesses of BCN and the resorts

It is so often luck of the draw. Spanish people are often more tolerant if they've also lived overseas and been that guiri themselves. And it depends on the part of the country too. Someone told me that people in Madrid are easier to meet and generally more open than Catalans whereas I think Catalans are more guarded and harder to get to know, but once you're in you're in. Again, stereotypes and the cultural nuances that take years to get the hang of.

(probably stuff for another thread though)
I think that maybe your experience is a Barcelona thing? I am English and have lived in Valencia for 13 years and I haven't experienced any of the negativity that you have described. On the contrary, the Spanish people I know have been very friendly and kind as have my neighbours and people generally. We too get a lot of tourists here and Valencianos appreciate that, and welcome the money that goes into the local economy. Sometimes a Spanish friend might make a joke about pissed-up Brits balconing in a holiday resort or whatever and I usually tell them that those people are a minority of uncouth f***wits from the shittier corners of the UK (not just England). They are not representative of English/British people in the main and they know that.

Been to Valencia a few times and its a lovely place. Feels like im a tourist in a real working city, whereas in places like Barcelona/London it can feel like your visiting a touristy theme park. Hope it stays this way :)
that is good to hear :)

and yes there's always a risk of over generalising on this topic but I just honestly reported my own findings here. I think also Valencia hasn't (yet) been exposed to the worst excesses of BCN and the resorts

It is so often luck of the draw. Spanish people are often more tolerant if they've also lived overseas and been that guiri themselves. And it depends on the part of the country too. Someone told me that people in Madrid are easier to meet and generally more open than Catalans whereas I think Catalans are more guarded and harder to get to know, but once you're in you're in. Again, stereotypes and the cultural nuances that take years to get the hang of.

(probably stuff for another thread though)
Just got back from Madrid and it was absolutely fab & very welcoming in my experience.

Also got to practice my Spanish as the first assumption was you speak Spanish, don't think we used English apart from between ourselves in the first two days at all. Managed to get all the things I ordered as well so can't be too bad at it :)