Just thought I'd pop along and review a pill I had last week.
Green F1... Pretty large as pills go from what I remember. Googled it and it said it contains about 200mg MDMA, took it to Hï with me last week for Martinez Bros, split it with the girlfriend, having a quarter each, then another quarter once I started coming up and I'm compelled to review it because it was amazing.
The only thing I have to go by are orange SoundClouds, purple SoundClouds and a blue monkey. I'd say it was stronger than the orange SoundCloud but not as strong as the Blue Monkey.
The high was incredible, had a very strong feeling of love, which was the perfect pill to split with the girlfriend as it had me opening up to her in ways I hadn't before and vice versa (I opened my Google browser on my phone in the morning and had been googling engagement rings, that's how powerful the feeling of love was

Was dancing all night, til close and still wanted to carry on afterwards. I also could really "feel" the music if that makes sense. Got home and made love to my girlfriend before crashing out to sleep.
I had no comedown from this pill whatsoever and while strong, the high was very levelled throughout.
Not sure if this helps anyone out but thought I'd share anyway