Apologies, I was going to write this a few weeks ago.
Location: Eric Prydz @ WHP
I had a few of these stashed from before all the lock-down malarkey.
Apparently produced by the infamous Dutch Masters bloke on the DNM, the tell tale being the NL stamp and the two tone press. All his presses were known to be high strength. Take no chances if you are lucky enough to get your hands on any of these NL stamped bad boys, they are strong little mofos. Unfortunately I heard that Dutch Masters got busted by the police earlier this year, so these brand of pills will be hard to come by in the current climate.
So anyway, I have to rewind about 5 weeks before this night.
Ages ago I had read online about a supplement known as NAC, or N-Acetyl Cysteine. The anecdotal evidence suggests that a few weeks of supplementing with NAC can really boost your experience on MDMA.
So throwing caution to the wind we decided to get ourselves some of this NAC stuff and see how we fared.
Took 600mgs per day for approximately 5 weeks prior to the night.
How It Went Down:
We got into the WHP just before the cut off time, 22:30. This is probably one of the only downsides to this night. I don't enjoy having to be inside somewhere by a certain time, I enjoy hitting a few more boozers first. No worries though as the place was building up really well inside. Cristoph and Franky Wah were playing some good tunes and the bar system was pretty well set out, so we had no real problem getting drinks.
Artbat came on and really sort of boosted the place.
We decided to take a half pill each, around midnight.
Waiting waiting waiting waiting......
She told me she felt a bit sick. She normally spews on the come up lol. So I grabbed and empty cup from the floor just in time for her to hurl up into it.
In my haste I hadn't actually realised the bottom of the discarded cup was missing

, so I got a belly full of sick straight down my leg and onto my trainer! Yay, cheers love
Waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting......
Suddenly! My missus gives me that look. That look when you just know!!
It normally always hits her first, so I braced myself for the inevitable!
She just kept saying words to the effect that it was strong as f*** over and over as she looked around the place and back at me.
I was a little bit excited and also had a slight bit of that apprehension you sometimes have, but still felt pretty sober and normal
Maybe about 5 minutes or so of watching my other half looking like she was on cloud 9 and hanging onto me with a kung-fu grip that Jacky Chan would be proud of, I suddenly felt this intense come up inside myself!
Man, felt bloody good! Everything in the place changed. Music was better, bass was pumping, crowd was bouncing, lights were super bright and everything looked amazing.
This was hitting me harder than it had in a long time. Felt amazing, it was pulsing over my body in waves or something combined with the music blasting through the place.
When I heard Eric Prydz bringing in that Animal track he sometimes plays, I knew it was going to be awesome.
This isn't my video but the person filming it must have been nearby because this is exactly the same viewpoint we had.
When those lasers kicked in at 1:10 the place went wild. I'm getting goosebumps on my arms now just thinking about it.
I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Was a great night.
We only had a half pill each, it was more than enough and kept us going right till the end. We had actually brung along some 2c-b as well and had planned to Nexus flip, but we didn't feel any need for it as we were rolling so hard.
It would appear that this NAC stuff does work, somehow.
You may remember we had a night out on the disco biscuits about 6 weeks before this night (Cristoph@Digital). This was after an 18 month break. Usually we would leave about 3 months in between nights like this (apart from in Ibiza when the rules go out the fcuking window).
The feeling from this Eric Prydz night, after 5 weeks of supplementing NAC, felt a lot stronger than the Cristoph night 6 weeks earlier.
Comedown and Recovery:
To be honest, we never really felt too much of a comedown. I mentally prepared myself for it, as it had been such a good night I was fully expecting a sting in its tail with a harsh comedown.
It never came. Maybe the fact that the weather was still pretty decent and throwing myself in and out of the North Sea the next day with my youngest daughter could have helped a little bit.
Who knows.
Would be good to hear if anyone else has experiences with NAC?
Until next time, stay safe
