Active Member
I thought it had been a bit quiet in here for a while, I was wondering if any of you guys had been out....
*furtively looks over shoulder
So anyway, after about a 20 month break this felt f**king amazing!!!!
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How it went down:
Cristoph had a night on at Digital in Newcastle on the Bank Holiday weekend just passed, and a group of our friends all had tickets for it.
I was beyond excited for this night for many reasons.
Mainly it had just felt like waaaaay too long since me and my other half had experienced anything like this. You know, a dance floor and some banging music bouncing around a lively crowd while you soak it up and forget about the world for a few hours.
Also, being out with some of your besties and getting on it together is something that had also been sorely missed for a very long time indeed.
Additionally, I've became a bit of a fan of the sort of music Cristoph plays on his various sets.
So all in I was as excited as a dog with a belly full of piss and a row of tress (colloquial saying - meaning that one is feeling rather enthusiastic and eager)
We went out early evening and bar crawled around the Toon, meeting up with people on our way and soaking up the atmosphere. Linking up with mates and getting all the usual greetings (insults) from the usual suspects. Is there any other way to greet your mates on a night out? lol ''alright you ugly c*nt? lomg time no see'' etc etc.
The gay bars that are near to Digital are great boozers, well worth visiting if you're ever in the area.
So anyway, we walked into Digital shortly before midnight. I could feel the faint beat of the music from outside, in the que, and it was really infecting me. Getting louder the closer I got. Actually walking into the place and having the beat blasting right into my body felt beyond awesome and I hadn't even took anything yet, apart from a skinful of alcohol obviously.
Cristoph was due on at about 0100 so I did a very basic estimate in my head and decided I would take my pill at about 20 past midnight. One of my mates simply couldn't wait that long and he popped his as soon as he got inside the place. I watched him closely and sure enough about 30 minutes later he was rolling off his titsbopping round the place and latching on to people lol.
0020 came and I bit of half of my happy tablet and washed it down with some water. I thought f*** it, here goes. See what happens.
I had that classic feeling where you think time has stood still as you wait for it to kick in'COME ON!!!!' I was shouting in my head.
Pretty much bang on time for Cristoph starting his set, I started feeling it pumping around my body!
Holy f***!!!!!!!
I can't find the words to describe it. It just sort of picked me up and carried me.
Re-dosed about 1 hour in. Was rolling smoother than smooth thing on smooth street.
Danced until the lights came on. Jaw was hanging off.
Cristoph played a great set
On top of some really good music he randomly played this really old track from years ago, it went down really well. What a buzz. There's something about these old trance tracks that still manage to capture a room really well I think.
Other tracks I remember from the night were:
Cristoph - Alone
Cristoph - Illusions
Cristoph - The World You See
All sounded amazing through a good sound system blasting it right through you.
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Managed to catch a few hours sleep at home and then we went and picked our youngest daughter up from the Grandparents. It was a really sunny day so we all went out to the coast for the day
I think I was still getting those little afterglow buzzes as I had a pint at a beach bar. Haven't had those for ages. Great feeling.
It just so happened that my eldest daughter was away to Leeds with her friends for her first ever festival experience. She kept sending us little updates via Snapchat, clearly loving every minute of it lol. One video she sent me they were all rapping along to AJ Tracey in the crowd lolShe had been ridiculously excited about going to this festival for ages and I was absolutely made up that it was living up to it for her.
So all in, it was an absolutely great weekend.
The more I think about it and replay it in my head, the better it gets
Summer is over for me now. Missus is back to work today, youngest back at school and the eldest starts college today also. I'm back working away next week.
Hope you're all keeping well.
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class mate
I’m seeing him in Liverpool and WHP in the space of a week. Got right into his sound over lockdown! Beyond excited for it!
looks like u had a blast and the Gary’s look grade A!!!