
Ah cheers mate, I’m actually going to consider it. Was a bit weary as I know some of them can be addictive. Lot of people round my way addicted to Valium.

Which do you prefer?

I tend to use etizolam, mainly because it was available as a 'legal high' for a while and I just got used to it. They're all pretty similar, but maybe valium/etizolam are more sedating and sleep inducing than xanax. Benzos have this addictive reputation but they're no more (or less) addictive than alcohol. What they have in common with alcohol is they can temporarily reduce anxious and depressive feelings. You need to be pretty certain about what you're using them for. If you're using them to help with the occasional binge on uppers, fine. If you're using them to tackle an everyday problem, you're playing with fire. Same as alcohol, really.
Although I wouldn't encourage people to do any drugs, personally I can probably say that pills have had the least negative effect on me, in fact id say they have benefited my mental health over the years, as i can sometimes recall that feeling of love or euphoria, for example if I'm just driving my car a good song comes on I can get a surge of love/euphoria.
I honestly don't think that part of my brain would of been 'unlocked' if it hadn't been for mdma.

That being said I'm very responsible with alcohol and drugs (ket incident aside)

Id basically only do pills once maybe twice a year, 1/2 a pill is usually plenty. I only drink every few months.

I also make use of diazepam after taking stimulants.
D10 are best I find down and your down.. Xanan can take couple of days wearing off like you could be fine the next afternoon then you be nodding off on the bus or worse at desk...I have a bottle of extended release Xanax bars Pop one in the morning make no plans have a floating day of eating the contents of the fridge..?
D10 are best I find down and your down.. Xanan can take couple of days wearing off like you could be fine the next afternoon then you be nodding off on the bus or worse at desk...I have a bottle of extended release Xanax bars Pop one in the morning make no plans have a floating day of eating the contents of the fridge..?
Loadsss of fake xanax about though. Loads
D10 are best I find down and your down.. Xanan can take couple of days wearing off like you could be fine the next afternoon then you be nodding off on the bus or worse at desk...I have a bottle of extended release Xanax bars Pop one in the morning make no plans have a floating day of eating the contents of the fridge..?

The nice thing about etizolam is it's quite short-lasting. Depends on your tolerance, but a 1mg pill is usually right for ~8 hours sleep and doesn't seem to hang around much after that.
And don't believe VICE or VIZ as it's called now when saying fentanyl is in all xans and now in Coke..
I don't read that clickbait sheeet

But there have been a few underground factorys busted for making fake xanax. Big one up in Scotland 2 years ago
i can sometimes recall that feeling of love or euphoria, for example if I'm just driving my car a good song comes on I can get a surge of love/euphoria.
I honestly don't think that part of my brain would of been 'unlocked' if it hadn't been for mdma.

Agree with that !
If i was on jack and jills night before and had been to sleep theres no way i’d be able to get back on the drink:lol:. True warrior
Not much beer last night just rum ice and ginger ale that a true warrior put me on to few weeks ago at festival he had hipflask off neat rum.. one sip does the job,freshens the mouth and no stinky beer mouth..? beer and the devil today though..
Not much beer last night just rum ice and ginger ale that a true warrior put me on to few weeks ago at festival he had hipflask off neat rum.. one sip does the job,freshens the mouth and no stinky beer mouth..? beer and the devil today though..

Beer or no beer i am goosed the day after!