
First night out this year we were having a few bevvies outside the Highlander and got talking to a group of lads from Coatbridge. They were really good craic and funny lads.

All off their tits on ket, one of them had even bought a pair of trousers of the looky looky men and was wearing them ?

Asked one of them if they’d tried any pills yet this year?

He said ‘no f*** that mate, they’re dangerous!’

I think a lot of people dab a little at afters (from what I understand anyway !) rather than doing it on its own on a night out. Those who do major in it don't do much for the vibe of a dancefloor or club - people collapsing on dancefloors causing chaos and sat in k-holes in the corner were regular sights at UK festivals a few years ago, not sure what they are like now as cba with them any more.
F'kin awful stuff imo - each to their own. Strongly dissociative and not great when you are anywhere you need to look (or be) in charge of yourself. Hard to do when your mind has objectified your own body and can be paranoia-inducing for some people - can only imagine you struggling to keep it together to look normal in a club queue after a dose of K :lol::spank::eek:
TBH I had a tiny bump at someone's house once, just enough to give a positive boost, but that's probably as far as I'll go with it. Does seem to be a great hope (just behind MDMA and psilocybin) in medical psychedelic treatments tho!
It's been used as a medical drug for decades and regularly used in pain control and anaesthesia. Doesn't make it theraputic to use it recreationally though.

Hmm. I think psilocybin and MDMA can be potentially therapeutic even when used 'recreationally'. I suspect ketamine could be too. I think there's a grey area between medical and recreational use. I've said on here before that I prefer to talk on MD rather than dance, and I find that talking useful.. it has unexpectedly got me through some hard times (without that being the intent) and deepend bonds with friends. Psilocybin I would never use hedonistically, but I'm not going to use it in a controlled, medical way either. There would be some hippy-ish/spiritual/personal-development intent. :lol:

Anyway, I'm not a doctor. :spank:

Ketamine is considered a potential treatment for depression - whether one would get the same effects from taking some at an afterparty, I don't know (and I wouldn't recommend experimenting in this way).

Not a big fan of the stuff, but is beak going the same way as in the UK - purer and more expensive?

‘ a mate’ ;) tells me uk wise if you know right people you can actually get strong stuff for good value. Not sure about ibz - personally give up with it over there a few years ago
I think a lot of people dab a little at afters (from what I understand anyway !) rather than doing it on its own on a night out. .

Can relate to the former and even had a dabble not so long ago - awful stuff:lol:. However do know plenty people who will go out (even to a pub) and just get full of it
‘ a mate’ ;) tells me uk wise if you know right people you can actually get strong stuff for good value. Not sure about ibz - personally give up with it over there a few years ago

If my mate wants something sniffable in the UK, he tends to go for mephedrone over coke. Fraction of the price and much better high, so I'm told.