
... it has unexpectedly got me through some hard times (without that being the intent) and deepend bonds with friends.

Same mate.

I noticed you shared an interesting article on another thread about MDMA being used to treat alcoholics. I’ve read similar articles from the US about MDMA therapy being used successfully to treat Iraq/Afghan veterans with PTSD. Wish it was something they’d been aware of sooner, the suicide rate amongst UK veterans is something that continues to rise and something I’m all to aware of.

Hopefully the future will see continued development in these fields.

Ecstasy carries a massive stigma (especially here in the UK) but used right, and not abused, it is an amazing drug.

Ket - tried it once. Back end of a pill had a few toots. Brung me down nicely but I’ve never really wanted it again. Seams difficult to judge the dosage. K holes look horendous. Was really popular round my way a few years ago and we had a running joke that all the young lads with big hairdos were in fact letting their hair grow long in order to save money on haircuts so they could buy more ket, earning them the nickname ‘ket wig’ ? Nice ket wig kidda ?

Cocaine - last had it in 2011. Had a mental night with a load of mates when we’d just returned from a 6 month trip away. Things got really out of hand that night. Never touched it since. Or even wanted to. Devil dust.

Cannabis - great stuff, just hangs around too long in my system. Have to piss in a cup often. f***.

2c-b - now you are talking ?? Nothing better than seeing a palm tree casually sliding across your hotel room.

I only ever take MDMA and 2c-b these days.
Same mate.

I noticed you shared an interesting article on another thread about MDMA being used to treat alcoholics. I’ve read similar articles from the US about MDMA therapy being used successfully to treat Iraq/Afghan veterans with PTSD. Wish it was something they’d been aware of sooner, the suicide rate amongst UK veterans is something that continues to rise and something I’m all to aware of.

Hopefully the future will see continued development in these fields.

Ecstasy carries a massive stigma (especially here in the UK) but used right, and not abused, it is an amazing drug.

Ket - tried it once. Back end of a pill had a few toots. Brung me down nicely but I’ve never really wanted it again. Seams difficult to judge the dosage. K holes look horendous. Was really popular round my way a few years ago and we had a running joke that all the young lads with big hairdos were in fact letting their hair grow long in order to save money on haircuts so they could buy more ket, earning them the nickname ‘ket wig’ ? Nice ket wig kidda ?

Cocaine - last had it in 2011. Had a mental night with a load of mates when we’d just returned from a 6 month trip away. Things got really out of hand that night. Never touched it since. Or even wanted to. Devil dust.

Cannabis - great stuff, just hangs around too long in my system. Have to piss in a cup often. f***.

2c-b - now you are talking ?? Nothing better than seeing a palm tree casually sliding across your hotel room.

I only ever take MDMA and 2c-b these days.
I took ket for first time at afterlife in hi last year and went into a k-hole. Was scary. It's not a club drug imo but looking back I think if you were in the right state of mind and in the right environment a k-hole could be OK.

Im in no rush to do it though
Ket - tried it once. Back end of a pill had a few toots. Brung me down nicely but I’ve never really wanted it again. Seams difficult to judge the dosage. K holes look horendous.

One of my Ibiza friends, who'd never done ket before (and AFAIK never had any intention of doing so), did a line of K thinking it was a line of coke and, by the sounds of it, ended up in a hole. Scary experience apparently. (I wasn't there at the time.)
One of my Ibiza friends, who'd never done ket before (and AFAIK never had any intention of doing so), did a line of K thinking it was a line of coke and, by the sounds of it, ended up in a hole. Scary experience apparently. (I wasn't there at the time.)

Yes mate I’ve seen this a couple of times as well. Me and my missus spent a good hour with a young lad in the chillout area at Amnesia 2 years ago. Just sat him down and kept him talking. Poor f***er.
What's the coke like in ibiza this year?
Last year swim took his own out but this year he doesn't have a direct flight to ibiza

Wouldn’t have the nads to try that. I have a nice selection of high quality Dutch disco biscuits that I would love to take to Ibiza, but there’s no way I would risk it!

Guarantee I’d get busted.

I watch that Nothing To Declare tv programme too much ?
If you're gonna do the k

  • be around very trustworthy pals
  • check what it is first
  • be somewhere cosy (someone's flat, room, tent)
  • Do NOT do it in an anonymous club
  • NEVER panic - it will subside

Been a few years but I used to do it all the time. Even now i don't really understand those 'outer body' experiences, some pleasurable, others hell. But it is basically chaos theory applied to your nervous system. Extreme caution advised, especially if you are an anxious sort of person. (See also acid)
If you're gonna do the k

  • be around very trustworthy pals
  • check what it is first
  • be somewhere cosy (someone's flat, room, tent)
  • Do NOT do it in an anonymous club
  • NEVER panic - it will subside
Been a few years but I used to do it all the time. Even now i don't really understand those 'outer body' experiences, some pleasurable, others hell. But it is basically chaos theory applied to your nervous system. Extreme caution advised, especially if you are an anxious sort of person. (See also acid)

Good advice. Seams like ‘set’ and ‘setting’ are important factors here. Probably where a lot of people go wrong.
I had a belting time on the pills first time in IBZ (VWs) in 2011, done ket, coke & pills. Had a bad turn on coke a year later have been very cautious since, have dabbled but only small lines.

Done Mdma since then and had good nights on that, no anxiety just relaxed, chilled and confident, can see why it helps the veterans it is a special drug when doing the right amount.

The thing that puts me off with pills is that I wouldn't want same experience as that coke night (heart palpitations, rapid heartbeat rise, feelings of impending doom) especially on holiday...

With MDMA, I like the idea of how you can take small doses, where as a pill once its gone its gone
Take them in halves or even quarters. I would also advocate
Take them in halves or even quarters. I would also advocate re-dosing (if you're going to) at half your starting dose. You're never as down as you think you are...
Does doing halves/quarters reduce the after effect of night terrors, twitches etc? In that week i done 2 whole pills. Had a good week of mental stuff come bedtime the week after. clowns over the top of me and a snake coming around my bed comes to mind, woke up in a panic but couldn't do nout for a good few minutes :lol:
Does doing halves/quarters reduce the after effect of night terrors, twitches etc? In that week i done 2 whole pills. Had a good week of mental stuff come bedtime the week after. clowns over the top of me and a snake coming around my bed comes to mind, woke up in a panic but couldn't do nout for a good few minutes :lol:

Nope. I only need so much to look at a pill/MD and I have sleep paralysis a couple of nights later. Interestingly, if I do them a few nights in a row, it's only after I've stopped. The cure for sleep paralysis, etc is a wee Valium, Xanax or etizolam before bedtime. You will sleep like a baby. ;)
N.B. I would actually have given up pills/MD ages ago if I hadn't found a workable solution to sleep paralysis. In the absence of downers, necking a bucket of alcohol helps, but the amount involved is usually enough that you're going to feel like shit the next day.

I wonder what it is about MD that does this when various similar drugs don't? Only other drug I've had that's given me this afterwards was GBL (& doing it a couple of days in a row). That one IIRC was strobing lights and the sensation of my duvet being pulled off, a bit like that scene in Twin Peaks: Firewalk With Me when Bob sneaks into Laura's room... ?
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Same mate.

I noticed you shared an interesting article on another thread about MDMA being used to treat alcoholics. I’ve read similar articles from the US about MDMA therapy being used successfully to treat Iraq/Afghan veterans with PTSD. Wish it was something they’d been aware of sooner, the suicide rate amongst UK veterans is something that continues to rise and something I’m all to aware of.

Hopefully the future will see continued development in these fields.

Ecstasy carries a massive stigma (especially here in the UK) but used right, and not abused, it is an amazing drug.

Ket - tried it once. Back end of a pill had a few toots. Brung me down nicely but I’ve never really wanted it again. Seams difficult to judge the dosage. K holes look horendous. Was really popular round my way a few years ago and we had a running joke that all the young lads with big hairdos were in fact letting their hair grow long in order to save money on haircuts so they could buy more ket, earning them the nickname ‘ket wig’ ? Nice ket wig kidda ?

Cocaine - last had it in 2011. Had a mental night with a load of mates when we’d just returned from a 6 month trip away. Things got really out of hand that night. Never touched it since. Or even wanted to. Devil dust.

Cannabis - great stuff, just hangs around too long in my system. Have to piss in a cup often. f***.

2c-b - now you are talking ?? Nothing better than seeing a palm tree casually sliding across your hotel room.

I only ever take MDMA and 2c-b these days.
Hope you didn't mention that palm tree to reception..
Sleep paralysis episodes went on randomly for about 5 years after last ever exposure to pills. Horrendous side-effect. Probably contributed to episodes of alcoholism that followed. Really hate downers. Also found post-MD brought on suicidal feelings or way deeper depression. Many drugs lead to more drugs to deal with the effects of the first ones.

Other than physical trauma, there are limited circumstances where in a clinically controlled environment an experienced practitioner can use stuff like MD, ket etc. to address mental health and emotional problems in order to buy time for underlying causes to be addressed (without which you are just staving off the inevitable reversion). Beyond that, especially self-medicating with unpredictable purity and street contamination, you are just playing with fire or setting up a chain of dependency. Unless you're extremely mentally stable and grounded, and naturally revert to that state easily, my honest feeling is that recreational drugs and self-medication with them are very bad ideas.
Me and the Mrs had split 3 pills last night from 9:30 till around 1am ,no beer just rum wrh lot of ice and like splash of ginger ale.. .... Got the leg over,got to sleep around 5, up since 10:15 had to go up the road to pick up my 12yr old at friends house.. feeling good. Mrs is going on a hike with The Wac Pac , usually mushrooms and all joining hands around some sacred tree. at the end...
N.B. I would actually have given up pills/MD ages ago if I hadn't found a workable solution to sleep paralysis. In the absence of downers, necking a bucket of alcohol helps, but the amount involved is usually enough that you're going to feel like shit the next day.

Ah cheers mate, I’m actually going to consider it. Was a bit weary as I know some of them can be addictive. Lot of people round my way addicted to Valium.

Which do you prefer?

I only have a little experience of this, from a long time back. Had a busy summer 2006 and when I got home I was really struggling to sleep. I didn't want to go to the quacks as it was considered a major sign of weakness back then in my line of work.

A family member gave me some Amitriptaline. Not sure they were for sleeping, but f*** me they worked a treat.

Small side story. At the same time I was having an energetic part time casual relationship with an extremely fit dancer girl, that I met in the toon one night. Got a text from her one evening along the lines of 'Hey, you coming round tonight ;) x x'. Id literally just dropped one of these Amitriptalines ?‍♂️

That ship sailed and I never got on it again :(