
^Not much talk of ket on here. If anyone takes it, they don't seem to be too vocal about it. (Never fancied it personally.)
Not really for me, too much risk. A bump can be good or go terribly wrong for a night out, end up with head in hands for hours. Met 3 mates last week who’d taken 24 out for 4 nights. One knows he is a ket-head but I can’t comprehend how people can do so much.

He is aware of the health issues associated with long term use ?
Cocaine - last had it in 2011. Had a mental night with a load of mates when we’d just returned from a 6 month trip away. Things got really out of hand that night. Never touched it since. Or even wanted to. Devil dust.

100%. Responsible for finding myself in some of the most out of control situations I've ever wound up in, next to alcohol of course ! .. and always ended up in a massive binge. Never been a nibbler or a dabbler with anything mind ?
Coke is the drug I take and I am so in control! Pills on the other hand I can't take too much then I will loose control, I have to be in control when I go out! Kett I like a little bump with coke but only a little dabble, being in a kett hole for me would be a utter nightmare!
Easily done but a waste imo. I can make a good full gram last a couple of days in Ibiza. Becomes too costly otherwise.
Well ..... you'll always FEEL as if you are in control, whether you really are is quite another matter :lol::lol:

"Just say no" ;)

I like the idea of something that kicks in quick and wakes you up. It's meant to do that but never really works for me. More likely to just make me anxious rather than wake me up!