Donald Trump

I believe we all have a right to believe what we want. And if you think I am wrong you have every right to have an adult discussion with me to to prove me wrong and to at least attempt to. Without the need for violence . Because understanding why people hold certain views because of age or the life that have lived or whatever can make it better to understand on both sides of the argument. Using violence because you don’t like another persons views is wrong and this is what’s been going on for a long time now. Plenty of videos out there of antifa beating people for there views that don’t suit there’s.
so I do believe antifa is a thing. If you don’t then maybe you’ve got your head in the sand.
A lot of Trump’s policies weren’t all that bad, but at the end of the day he had major flaws, is not intelligent and was a poor leader. Biden isn’t all that bad, he’s fairly moderate and has a shot of bringing the country back together a bit.
I have seen a white man been tazered and battoned by a black police man in the US on whatsapp but I don't see it going viral? Everyone suffers at the hands of the police over there.
Think the term is called cherry picking.
The police in the US have a history of racism which no one can deny. But it’s better than it was. They are just too heavy handed and are trained to be that way with no matter what race, Which is wrong, and they also have the other issue which is the the use of guns which probably the reason why they are like they are.
me for example.
He was a scumbag criminal who ain't on this earth anymore. Who cares!?
To be fair my view on George floyd. Wether you or anyone agrees or not. He was a criminal but didn’t deserve to die at the hands of the police in that horrific way. The police need to re think how they deal with that situation for sure.
But it wasnt a racist killing. It Had nothing to do with the white officer nealing on him cos he was black. It was because he was a criminal end of.
To be fair my view on George floyd. Wether you or anyone agrees or not. He was a criminal but didn’t deserve to die at the hands of the police in that horrific way. The police need to re think how they deal with that situation for sure.
But it wasnt a racist killing. It Had nothing to do with the white officer nealing on him cos he was black. It was because he was a criminal end of.

agree except the black bit.
I do. IMO it's clear that in the states there are too many cases where police are unnecessarily rough with people of colour and sometimes it results in deaths. I am against the death penalty generally so you can probably imagine how I think about that case.
It also happens with white folk aswell but I see no uprising by the media?

General rule is don't commit the crime simple as, either way it was platform for the radical left to latch onto and cause violence. The whole cause of BLM has been lost. The destroying and vandalism of statues says it all. They are just thugs