I quite like Dr Hoffmann's graffitis..... which reminds me , maybe it's you, Macky
I quite like Dr Hoffmann's graffitis..... which reminds me , maybe it's you, Macky
i always wanted to know which clown started ages ago
That Dolphin place looks like a good investment, stick a big luxury villa on it and you have loads of pools to "get your freak on" in. Imagine the pool partys you could have.
if they are bottlenose dolphins stay clear as they can be very agressivePlease don't try and swim with them, by all means enjoy their splendour but leave them to their natural habitat and lives. They can become a little "amorous" if they have close contact with humans. If you want to swim with dolphins then visit one of the many places in the world that allow you to have this experience and your money goes to the welfare of them. Dolphins are not like Cats and Dogs etc that put up with humans intruding into their lives, they should be left to do what they do naturally. ( god im beginning to sound like my dad here )
They are wonderful creatures to observe but like everything in this world when humans get hold of things they tend to get killed off from our intervention into their world.
From what i can gather, the appearance of dolphins around the island only increased the speculation by the hippy inhabitants that the place now known lovingly as "Atlantis" was actually the real lost city of Atlantis, how wrong could they have been!