DJ Sneak bashing SHM on twitter

Earlier he tweeted - "most of u don't know what it is to create something work hard at it , earn everything you have. None of u can take anything away from me"

which kind of hit a nerve, so I said - "Really?! Most people haven't worked hard and earned what they have?"

.....................and he blocked me. Dick.
I remember calling him out for being an absolute scrotum when this behaviour first-reared its ugly head and most on these forums defended him. I feel vindicated.
Ok without wishing to libel/slander anyone i think it's fair to say a fair few of the acid house founding fathers aren't that popular these days with the rest of the fraternity... And it goes way deeper/darker than sneak's hissy fits. 2 examples: DR is not liked since returning from dj 'retirement' (pyramid schemes and regional shoom tours - ker-ching!) and has also (allegedly) expressed some dodgy political views. As for Steve P*****r, his FB feed is strangely compelling if at times deranged. He was acquitted in crown court of a nasty crime against a famous rock star's daughter but a lot of people think he got away with it... The fallout has been huge, all sorts of friendships destroyed, and all sorts of people banned from gigs if they're on the 'wrong team'. P.L.U.R eh....
Tried to upload sneaks latest picture but couldn't. Can somebody explain it please? Pretty sure it's Dave Vincent in the meme
Yeah, he's now apparently feuding with David Vincent and hinted via a FB post that David rapes women at his club.

Again, Sneak is a fat loser and should be banned from the scene.
Couple of questions...

1. Where does this vincent/sneak thing stem from?

2. Whats sneaks beef with Hard Times ibiza? Was his slot there a flop or something?
1. Where does this vincent/sneak thing stem from?

Sneak (very vocally, of course) sided with Darius Syrossian at the start of the summer when all that nonsense was kicking-off.

He withdraw from all Sankeys worldwide events in the same way Santé & Sidney Charles did, albeit uncouth.
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i think it's fair to say a fair few of the acid house founding fathers aren't that popular these days with the rest of the fraternity... DR is not liked since returning from dj 'retirement'

Coincidentally a few days later this appeared on my timeline. No idea if its a genuine account.
