DJ Sneak bashing SHM on twitter

Sneak is a fat piece of shit. No idea why anyone books him. His productions suck and so do his sets.
His productions and remixes didn't used to suck though! There are loads of old remixes and productions of his that still sound great today...especially now with the resurgence of that disco sampling house sound...when he pulls stuff like this though as he has been consistently doing (he's had a pop at Joris Voorn and Jackmaster recently as well) it makes you think twice about playing them...which is a shame!
he does it to get attention and feed off the bigger rep of those he targets.

Face it, if it wasnt for his one-sided 'beefs' with people more succesful than him. Most people wouldnt have heard of him.

He made a few disco cutups in the 90s. Music has moved on sneak and Id suggest you do too.
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Sneak's music is ace even if he does occasionally like the sound of his own typeface.. Dance music desperately people like him to occasionally tell some 'home truths' and cut through the PR bullshit

Luke Solomon had something to say about Ibiza last week as well:

So heres the thing. Modern DJ culture is pretty much built around "Shock and Awe" tactics. Sadly, these tactics are applied to PR and not ability. I was faced with a dilemma last night of taking a photo and posting it online, something I have never been great at tbh - but it got me thinking. Ibiza is the place where DJ's build their foundations for another years gigging. For a whole season, DJ's and their "teams," work together to build a portfolio of AWESOMENESS. Most of that AWESOMENESS is based on photos of:

1. Crowds with arms in air
2. DJ with another famous DJ
3. DJ B2B with another famous DJ
5. Tweet about how"excited" they are.
6. Picture of food in expensive restaurant
7. After party pics

The saddest part of all of this is that it is "spin" (see what I did there.) With an incredible team, you can create an entire career and sustain it - much like politicians have been doing for years. So - to summarise
99 percent PR - 1 percent music
The music has become such a secondary part of the majority of these careers, mostly without the DJ's even being aware of it.

I have played some of my best DJ sets to a handful of people in a room. I have witnessed other DJ's do the same.

Derrick Carter and Ron Trent playing to 60 people at Bar Rumba on a Wednesday night still sticks with me to this very day. And so I say the biggest party doesn't always have to be the best party.

DJ's and their "teams" should stop assuming that their audience are not clever enough to accept a little honesty. If you have a bad gig - why not own up to it. If you played to 8 people in a room - but it was awesome - let people know.
If you wore the wrong shade of black to the party - post a picture.
Ultimately, let your hair down and take that pointy thing/PR team - out of your backside.

With that in mind, here's a picture of me DJing to 8 people in Ibiza last night. I was awesome obvs ;)

he does it to get attention and feed off the bigger rep of those he targets.

Face it, if it wasnt for his one-sided 'beefs' with people more succesful than him. Most people wouldnt have heard of him.

He made a few disco cutups in the 90s. Music has moved on sneak and Id suggest you do too.

You having a laugh love?!
You having a laugh love?!

not at all. He disappeared off the face of the earth for a decade, until the someone decided to wheel him out at amnesia about 3 years ago.

If that hadnt happened are you telling me your average clubber today would know who he is? They wouldnt and he knows it himself, hence he feeds off the rep of more successful and relevant current people... shm, yousef, traxsource, martinez bros, ibiza clubbers etc etc

He's bitter and desperate and most people can now see right through it.
not at all. He disappeared off the face of the earth for a decade, until the someone decided to wheel him out at amnesia about 3 years ago.

If that hadnt happened are you telling me your average clubber today would know who he is? They wouldnt and he knows it himself, hence he feeds off the rep of more successful and relevant current people... shm, yousef, traxsource, martinez bros, ibiza clubbers etc etc

He's bitter and desperate and most people can now see right through it.

it's true that sneak's done nothing in years but comparing him unfavourably to talentless cocks like SHM kinda kills your argument i'm afraid.
not at all. He disappeared off the face of the earth for a decade, until the someone decided to wheel him out at amnesia about 3 years ago.

If that hadnt happened are you telling me your average clubber today would know who he is? They wouldnt and he knows it himself, hence he feeds off the rep of more successful and relevant current people... shm, yousef, traxsource, martinez bros, ibiza clubbers etc etc

He's bitter and desperate and most people can now see right through it.

Personally I've always liked Sneak, but his 'beefs' are getting a tad embarrassing now. But to say the 'average clubber' wouldn't know who he is if it wasn't for his social media arguments, is wide of the mark.

Unless, when you say 'average clubber', you mean a Swedish House Mafia fan who's been into EDM for the last few years? If so, then you're probably correct.
it's true that sneak's done nothing in years but comparing him unfavourably to talentless cocks like SHM kinda kills your argument i'm afraid.

Those talentless cocks, namely Axwell have more talent in their left bollock than sneak has overall Im afraid. Granted, their music is easy-access stuff, but to call them talentless is bizarre.

Whats sneaks talent these days, seriously? His musical output is next to nothing, his 'sound' of choppy disco cutups with no other musical elements is dated and his DJing, well he's no Mark Farina is he?

He's full of his own shit.

Personally I've always liked Sneak, but his 'beefs' are getting a tad embarrassing now. But to say the 'average clubber' wouldn't know who he is if it wasn't for his social media arguments, is wide of the mark.

Unless, when you say 'average clubber', you mean a Swedish House Mafia fan who's been into EDM for the last few years? If so, then you're probably correct.

Average clubber = 80% of those in Ibiza this summer?

Of course your 35+ underground types will know his older stuff (you cant hide, fix my sink etc), but lets not kid ourselves that he'd be well known if it wasnt for the fact he goes round picking fights with higher-rep DJs & producers half his age,

Martinez Bros summed him up perfectly "we're not into this social network fighting stuff, go sell some BBQ bibs".

What happened with him at Hard times this summer? i recall him slagging them on twitter for some reason? Presumably he couldnt even fill vista?
Axwell - talented? How?

Other than at grinning, punching the air, churning out sonic horse manure and then pretending to mix it!

check out his early Mambana and Jetlag tracks or stuff like his Clipse remix.

Im no fan on the SHM stuff btw, but hes clearly talented at writing and playing hit songs and doesnt need to resort to picking fights to get attention.

Compare that to sneaks back cat which is 95% forgettable

Haha! '35+ underground types'

aka people who actually know what they're talking about...

yep, 35+ types that make up about 20% of ibiza crowds. i.e. the 80% arent likely to know sneak beyond being some internet troll.
Nah, they've always been shit - they were just very lucky to get P**e T**g behind them

There's people who make house and there's people who make pop. Amazing how many people on here still don't understand the difference. Now much of what Sneak said is true, but his manner grates. So what? Don't shoot the messenger....
Luke Solomon is spot on with what he has said above... Luke Solomon always talks a lot of sense in my eyes, seen a few things he has said in the past. Great DJ that doesn't do all the bullshit that most DJs do, fair play to him. If any of you haven't seen him yet either, I would highly recommend.