DJ Sneak bashing SHM on twitter

Now Sneak is getting stuck into Paris Hilton.

Justified as his stance is, I'm getting a bit bored of his gossip-mongering now.

What does he have to prove?
Now Sneak is getting stuck into Paris Hilton.

Justified as his stance is, I'm getting a bit bored of his gossip-mongering now.

What does he have to prove?

I actually just made this point to some bint who was biggin up "dj sneaks voice to rescue the house music scene! He's like our leader ha"

nah, she didn't appreciate it very much.

Probably because I'm not a world famous DJ who re-tweets anything mentioning me that slightly bigs me up.
ah, thats sound then.

Just had to unfollow sneak... posted another dig at SHM. I hate them as much as the next guy but anyone who matter's know's they're pish. Someone like sneak shouldn't need to go through all this. making him look like a total dick.
Just had to unfollow sneak... posted another dig at SHM. I hate them as much as the next guy but anyone who matter's know's they're pish. Someone like sneak shouldn't need to go through all this. making him look like a total dick.

This ^^
I think it's all a bit odd.

He must have some personal qualms with them. I mean I'm sure 75% of the big name DJ's out there agree with him but just keep quiet about it.. it's like he's on a crusade
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check this week's the ibiza sun for a juicy interview with dj sneak..... not making friends as usual!! :lol: