basically you can't really fk the system. The system is designed to control you and probably always will
all you can really do is make incremental, micro changes to your lifestyle - supporting your independent stores, buying at co-operatives or local markets, trying to avoid the arseholes as much as possible. But you can only do it so far, at various stages you unfortunately have to pact with the devil, be it flying on their airlines, going to their music venues, reading their propaganda, using their disposable products, listening to their inane conversations on the internet, on the victoria line, on hands free
it feels so stifling at times, you feel under constant siege - capitalism is trying to deafen you, blind you, poison you, spam you at every turn - there's only ever really occasional escape
occasionally you feel free (even if it is an illusion) when you're on a remote clifftop, but there's always someone trying to regulate you in this country, there's always some sign up everywhere you go, even on the clifftop, the view will be sponsored by powergen. Count the number of signs you see in your average day, it will run into hundreds. You want to find a growth industry in the UK? the signmaking industry, boom times, litigation and fear of litigation - a field we specialise in instead of, er, exporting cars and tin openers like intelligent countries.
So caught between the tyranny of capitalism one one level and the tentacles of the state on another and the oppressive nature of public opinion, peer pressure etc is it any wonder so many of us take to the bottle or the powder?
a trully desperate state of affairs.