Credit Crunch Thread II - The Sequel

and so would generalising about all foreign factory workers as being non-english speaking smelly people, who's stolen all the jobs!

He said 'some stinky factory' which isn't necessarily a comment on the people and the langauage barrier may well be real.
He said 'some stinky factory' which isn't necessarily a comment on the people and the langauage barrier may well be real.

well beggers cant be choosers if you need the cash. i wouldnt want to work back in a restaurant, but if push came to shove i would instead of bemoaning the lack of jobs on ere!
This whole thread stinks! It really does make me laugh how people say such extreme and hurtful things when they're behind the safety of their computer though. Once again the thread turns into a boys slanging match *yawn*
This whole thread stinks! It really does make me laugh how people say such extreme and hurtful things when they're behind the safety of their computer though. Once again the thread turns into a boys slanging match *yawn*

You caused all the trouble showing off about your 'two star status' Miss Boo!
This whole thread stinks! It really does make me laugh how people say such extreme and hurtful things when they're behind the safety of their computer though. Once again the thread turns into a boys slanging match *yawn*

Boys hey becks :roll: :lol: Should spend less time on here and more looking for jobs ;) :lol:
How we all looking at the mo? At a lot of allegedly solid businesses popping in my game....

"All a bit weird" is my professional assessment.

Best start to the year for, well years, but hard to see if this is soley related to a backlog due to the snow in December or something more consistent.

Doing lots in London at the mo' which was unexpected but welcome.

Another year of uncertainty and fear looms......:lol:
Depends if you're working in digital or not:

Smartphones outsold PC/Laptops for the first time ever - last QTR 2010. Trend is expected to increase.

(that plus everyone's going to be shifting their marketing spend online and no one can afford huge agency rates/account managers any more so smaller specialist agencies and freelancers will benefit.)

Aside from this - $hit will hit the fan in April...what we've seen before is merely the tip of the iceberg.
Anyone who thinks Capitalism is a good thing should watch this video and masturbate.

(It's horrible - the black slave trade appears to be alive and well in modern day Europe.)
Nothing wrong with capitalism... just needs a few rules in place
(which are obviously lacking in the case of that video)
The problems occur when we don't make sure the rules are followed.
Gosh - I'm agnahast.

Is that c*** for real?

From the coal face on that article, there is a flip side. We are settin up offices in places like Shanghai, as the article says there are reciprical tax arrangements - we don't pay tax twice.

We don't have a limit on the amount of work we can do, so long as we can win it at a profitable rate. We will not send work overseas for the sake of a tax break. Generating profits in the middle east, china etc is difficult enough, removing the tax burden will make it easier to do business & expand there (not at the expense of jobs here). Even if the tax is not paid, the money still comes into this country & ends up paying my wages which gets spent here.

As a tool to encourage medium size firms to spread their wings & expand beyond the borders its good.

Accept that if it means closing down factories here & shipping them overseas solely for the break, that bad. And I dont know what the income the g'ment recieves from the tax at present, it may be massive....however it's not as straighforward as that article says. There are many businesses in addition to the giants that need all the help they can get.
basically you can't really fk the system. The system is designed to control you and probably always will

all you can really do is make incremental, micro changes to your lifestyle - supporting your independent stores, buying at co-operatives or local markets, trying to avoid the arseholes as much as possible. But you can only do it so far, at various stages you unfortunately have to pact with the devil, be it flying on their airlines, going to their music venues, reading their propaganda, using their disposable products, listening to their inane conversations on the internet, on the victoria line, on hands free

it feels so stifling at times, you feel under constant siege - capitalism is trying to deafen you, blind you, poison you, spam you at every turn - there's only ever really occasional escape

occasionally you feel free (even if it is an illusion) when you're on a remote clifftop, but there's always someone trying to regulate you in this country, there's always some sign up everywhere you go, even on the clifftop, the view will be sponsored by powergen. Count the number of signs you see in your average day, it will run into hundreds. You want to find a growth industry in the UK? the signmaking industry, boom times, litigation and fear of litigation - a field we specialise in instead of, er, exporting cars and tin openers like intelligent countries.

So caught between the tyranny of capitalism one one level and the tentacles of the state on another and the oppressive nature of public opinion, peer pressure etc is it any wonder so many of us take to the bottle or the powder?

a trully desperate state of affairs.

...and we're a privileged nation so don't buy into all the crunch bull$hit.

Anyone who thinks Capitalism is a good thing should watch this video and masturbate.

(It's horrible - the black slave trade appears to be alive and well in modern day Europe.)

The same thing goes on in the USA and around the world as in the video. Company move abroad and use local labor at slave wages to boost there profit margin. If you look at your clothing, shoes, or items that you buy. They are no longer made in the country you live in. They come from an a third world country were the workers are paid penny on the pound, euro, or dollar so we can have cheap good. We the consumer facilitate this by buying from companies that exploit workers. This has a two fold effect the jobs that used to be in our countries are gone and corporations pockets get fatter. Sorry my rant