☣ Coronavirus ☣

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I'm happy that framing every form of criticism on the measures in the 'Trump-Covidiots etc' corner is working for you.
Don't be an idiot. You put yourself in the idiots corner, honestly.

No one is saying lockdowns are good and should have them forever. Certainly not.

But we are not blind to the simple harsh reality of what is actually happening. They are the only tool left in the box to get the numbers down so people ain't dying in corridors, hospitals completely overwhelmed etc.

Or do you think it's all make believe and hospitals ain't full and close to collapse???

If there was no vaccine then alternatives would need to be thought out. Isolating the vulnerable isn't possible without also isolating all the people who support them. (How you go with half the population been in forced lockdown with that solution? How that funded?)

But there are vaccines. We are rolling them out Now, so that is why people are kinda ok let's do this. Let's not have 600+ people a day dying, no hospital capacity.

Imho that is a democratic society where people try and adhere to the lockdowns to help each other out. There is nothing really stopping us from not following the rules tbh.

Make a reasoned case based on reality and data and people might listen.

Saying, I don't think lockdowns work (when they do in reducing rates), doesn't help yourself. Sounds like you're just sick of lockdowns and rather the "others" would just hurry up and die for your inconvenience.

Btw Join the club, we all hate lockdowns.?

Ps telling people on the front line seeing people die from it that lockdowns are bollox, to me says how much you're in your own little fantasy world?‍♂️
Don't be an idiot. You put yourself in the idiots corner, honestly.

No one is saying lockdowns are good and should have them forever. Certainly not.

But we are not blind to the simple harsh reality of what is actually happening. They are the only tool left in the box to get the numbers down so people ain't dying in corridors, hospitals completely overwhelmed etc.

Or do you think it's all make believe and hospitals ain't full and close to collapse???

If there was no vaccine then alternatives would need to be thought out. Isolating the vulnerable isn't possible without also isolating all the people who support them. (How you go with half the population been in forced lockdown with that solution? How that funded?)

But there are vaccines. We are rolling them out Now, so that is why people are kinda ok let's do this. Let's not have 600+ people a day dying, no hospital capacity.

Imho that is a democratic society where people try and adhere to the lockdowns to help each other out. There is nothing really stopping us from not following the rules tbh.

It's just false positives so no need to stress
Indeed. Well, I guess in the land of the free liberty trumps life ?

They would say a life without free liberty isn't life at all.

"Give me liberty, or give me death!" - Patrick Henry at the Virginia Convention at which Virginia joined the Revolutionary War. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (1st and 3rd Presidents) were in the room that day as well.

This idea is foundational to the founding of America and it has permeated throughout our culture. I could write for a very long time about the virtues and shortcomings of this philosophy but that's besides the point. Its an idea that exists, is core to many people, and is unlikely to go away anytime soon.
This idea is foundational to the founding of America and it has permeated throughout our culture. I could write for a very long time about the virtues and shortcomings of this philosophy but that's besides the point. Its an idea that exists, is core to many people, and is unlikely to go away anytime soon.

Indeed, however the pre-requisite of liberty is responsibility for it to be a credible and defensible philosophy. You cannot allow liberty to those whose irresponsible actions and choices threaten to kill others. If you knowingly or recklessly kill another in USA you lose your liberty and that, on a grand scale, is what we are basically talking about with Covid restrictions !
I agree China-like lockdowns would work if you keep it up until everyone is vaccinated. That would mean extreme china-lockdown till end of September or so. This would do more harm than good.

Lockdowns are not working in a normal free world where we all would definitely choose to live in. No one here would want to live in China.
So I've been hearing: "this lockdown here is not the right lockdown", "this lockdown was too short", "this lockdown was too loose", this lockdown is too late".

Lockdowns don't work in a free society.

How would you manage the hospital situation?

How would you manage the hospital situation?

I think there are a group of people, if don't experience it or see it directly, kinda push it out of their mind and make it "not real".

Its an exceptionally serious situation, I just hope this current lockdown brings cases down soon enough before certain areas of the country go into a cascade failure of the health care system.
Because like you and I and everyone else, rightly or wrongly he has his own views. If we stop that then what’s the point!
While I agree to a point, if someone argued the sky was green, even with a massive body of evidence against it, and then goes on to propagate it to others and that the sky is blue is a conspiracy and a lie, what should we do?

Now consider tens of thousands of lives are involved.

Tbf, in ye oldie times, the village idiot would be ignored. Now they lead the masses. ?‍♂️


Emphasis the last part ?
While I agree to a point, if someone argued the sky was green, even with a massive body of evidence against it, and then goes on to propagate it to others and that the sky is blue is a conspiracy and a lie, what should we do?

Yeah, imagine if there was almost a social experiment going on around the world where far right governments were in charge, pushing far right conspiracy theories and peddling too many lies to keep a track of...
You could almost imagine a bunch of neo nazis and people that believe a bunch of Satan worshipping paedos were plotting to take the president down would turn up and smash a government building up with the intent to cause harm!

It's time people stopped allowing 'balance' and called out outright lies, not allowing these insanely unintelligent people to be led in to these f***ing stupid/outrageous opinions.
Don’t for 1 minute think that I don’t think the situation is horrendous because I bloody well do!
Folk are allowed their own views in my opinion as long as they arnt rude or abusive, it’s good to see what other people are thinking even if it’s not what you think!

Hally I take my hat off to you and all the staff thatreally are seeing the worst of this day in day out! For that there can be no doubt!
Interesting that the UK now require a negative COVID test for flights and all passengers (UK residents or not) from next week. If this stays in place how would Ibiza cope with thousands of tourists needing to get a test before flying home?
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