No correlation between 1st/2nd, Pfizer/AstraZeneca between the 6 or so people I know
Some didn't react at all. Some reacted badly to their 1st. Others reacted badly to their 2nd
My only (completely non-medical) opinion is one of psychology, you'll only feel as ill as you think you will!
I dont subscribe to manflu and rarely get headaches. When I'm unwell at all, I find it a massive inconvenience whereby the inconvenience outweighs the symptoms of illness
My gf is the opposite. She always fears she's ill and gets rundown easily. She had a negative reaction to first shot and I'm completely convinced she manifested it by over-worrying, or certainly exasperated it. Second one, she had a sore arm but nowhere near like the same
Edit: I'm very eager for fate to prove me wrong and this vaccine knock me for six, JUST GIVE ME THE JAB ALREADY!!