☣ Coronavirus ☣

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After maybe a faux pas of a post last night about vaccine effectiveness I wasn’t sure whether to even mention this. But , has anyone else seen the study news about the South African variant and vaccines...
75 days now since I last went out in the evening. Wouldn't be surprised if it's another 75 more. In fact if its ONLY 75 more that might be a plus.
I wouldn't worry, they've just made it up to control us a bit longer
I would imagine it can be overcome with engineering but probably means more time under restrictions. The BBC posted an article today questioning why South Africa hasn’t started a vaccine program yet. Few hours later it’s pretty clear
Also explains why they were so quick to shut down travel from South Africa as there were obviously concerns about that specific mutation.

The truth is there's going to be mutations all around the world, some will be worse than others, we just have to hope the dominant strain that duplicates isn't the most dangerous one.
Also explains why they were so quick to shut down travel from South Africa as there were obviously concerns about that specific mutation.

The truth is there's going to be mutations all around the world, some will be worse than others, we just have to hope the dominant strain that duplicates isn't the most dangerous one.
Would it be logical that the most dangerous one will become the most dominant? Vaccination can’t eradicate it compared to other strains , so it inevitably prevails over others...?
Yeah I agree mate. I was downhearted reading that before, and I’ve been very very lucky throughout this whole thing.god knows how you must feel, keep on trucking hally mate.

the news everyone has been dreading! f*** knows what the answer to this whole thing is! I know 1 thing... we cannot keep this way of living up indefinitely! It is not living!
the news everyone has been dreading! f*** knows what the answer to this whole thing is! I know 1 thing... we cannot keep this way of living up indefinitely! It is not living!
There are a few caveats and they said not to panic so don’t err....Panic! Mr hull mysterious knows much more than me he might be able to shed more light on a solution.
the news everyone has been dreading! f*** knows what the answer to this whole thing is! I know 1 thing... we cannot keep this way of living up indefinitely! It is not living!
It sure isn't..lots of people have anxiety now including me because of this situation

We are so f***ed in regards to economy, mental health and poor people that lost loved ones, it's honestly heart breaking
Would it be logical that the most dangerous one will become the most dominant? Vaccination can’t eradicate it compared to other strains , so it inevitably prevails over others...?

Potentially - although the most virulent strain may not be the most lethal if that makes sense. Also depends on how much herd immunity it build up from the existing strains.
75 days now since I last went out in the evening. Wouldn't be surprised if it's another 75 more. In fact if its ONLY 75 more that might be a plus.
Restaurants are now opening up again over here (small town Norway). We have very few cases in this county and town. The local municipality have therefore allowed the sale of alcohol when eating a meal. Bars and night clubs are still closed. We are no longer advised to wear masks in shops and on public transport. So the end is in sight.
Pfizer already proved that the UK strain has no impact on the vaccine effectiveness. There is no proof yet that the South African strain lowers effectiveness either. Research hints that there won’t be a large impact, and it shouldn’t since the vaccines attack the full spike. We’ll know in a couple days for now.

Until then, enjoy the fear porn.
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