Well-Known Member
Awful numbers. Worse than those anywhere in the U.K. at any point but is not getting the media traction.
To what extent do you have restrictions in place? I know it was particularly harsh during the first wave.
lots of restrictions now
- big surface shops closed
- restaurants & bars shut (take away and delivery only)
- gyms & spas shut
- 10pm curfew (which might come down to 8pm possibly)
- we can't meet anyone outside the family unit. so no visiting anyone. the only way we are currently allowed to still see friends is meeting them outdoors and go for a hike (max 6 people for that and with 1.5m distance between people that don't live together)
I had very little expectations regarding this winter (basically because I expected it would come as it now has happened) and I'm doing better mentally because we can still go outdoors