☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Express running story about possible ‘vaccine passport’

While in a way a nice idea, in practise it's going to mean disaster for travel companies. People will hold off booking until they know the date of at least their 1st dose. (UK will be July + for most people)
IMO this is wrong on all levels but hey, who am I! f***ing vaccine passports my rectum!
Be careful or customs might check your rectum ?

Tbf can you imagine if you was a low incidence country and someone managed to bring in the Kent variant that spreads fast. You'd want to be a bit arsy about it... until no tourists, no money ?

that variation has been around since September, do you honestly think if it was as bad as they said it wouldn’t already be all over the world! There was plenty of travel back then!
The passport is just a blackmail tool! Funnily enough a fair bit of these conspiracy headbangers folks stuff is no longer a conspiracy! I try stay away from all that but you can see why folk jump on the band wagon!

that variation has been around since September, do you honestly think if it was as bad as they said it wouldn’t already be all over the world! There was plenty of travel back then!
The passport is just a blackmail tool! Funnily enough a fair bit of these conspiracy headbangers folks stuff is no longer a conspiracy! I try stay away from all that but you can see why folk jump on the band wagon!
?‍♂️ possibly. But what about yellow fever vaccinations and so on, which you have to travel to certain countries?

Or look at it the other way, perhaps it's an option for tourists, vaccine passport, come in and enjoy your holiday. Other option, come in but be isolated in hotel for 5 days until we get a neg test.

(Just look at Aus tennis players, was an infected person on the plane, so even if they had neg test before travel, now have to isolate as could have it)
That’s a fair point. But is the yellow fever vax a new unproven tech of which the long term outcomes are unknown? I was also of the impression that is currently unclear if the vax stops you been infected or transmitting infection?

anyway like I said is what it is! Nothing I can do about it, It just doesn’t sit right with me but that’s fine! Just my view
That’s a fair point. But is the yellow fever vax a new unproven tech of which the long term outcomes are unknown? I was also of the impression that is currently unclear if the vax stops you been infected or transmitting infection?

anyway like I said is what it is! Nothing I can do about it, It just doesn’t sit right with me but that’s fine! Just my view
Yeah I get where you are coming from. The vaccines currently approved are safer than older style ones imho (it's only part of the virus, not the whole thing deactivated. Lockpick but no thief with it). They also based on stuff they did for SARS 1 years ago.

But do get your hesitation. Just look at it this way, millions have been beta testers for you before you get yours ?.

And there is evidence mounting they stop or at least reduce transmission, which is good. Just need a bit longer for the data to be collected over next few months.
If you’re in the UK, watch the first report on the BBC1 six o clock news from a hospital in London. Bloody hell, it’s horrendous
Its not real. It's all filmed on the same sound stage on mars they used for the fake moon landings ?

But seriously, it's really really grim. Imagine having to call people every day to tell them that.?
ibiza has an awful 14d rate of 1500 cases per 100k inhabitants currently. this is our worst wave by far. I hear from people having it left, right and centre. sant josep's mayor has covid. a friend of mine, quite a well-known figure in the clubbing industry has it too and is in hospital with pneumonia.
ibiza has an awful 14d rate of 1500 cases per 100k inhabitants currently. this is our worst wave by far. I hear from people having it left, right and centre. sant josep's mayor has covid. a friend of mine, quite a well-known figure in the clubbing industry has it too and is in hospital with pneumonia.
f***ing virus
ibiza has an awful 14d rate of 1500 cases per 100k inhabitants currently. this is our worst wave by far. I hear from people having it left, right and centre. sant josep's mayor has covid. a friend of mine, quite a well-known figure in the clubbing industry has it too and is in hospital with pneumonia.
Awful numbers. Worse than those anywhere in the U.K. at any point but is not getting the media traction.

To what extent do you have restrictions in place? I know it was particularly harsh during the first wave.
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