☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Its just got a lot more real for me as a mate has the virus. We we were meant to have a nightout 2 weeks ago but luckily for me we changed plans.

He said its not pleasant at all, bed bound with tight chest feeling awful. He's late 20s and in good fitness so im surprised he's developed worse symptoms.

Ive been guilty of a 'nobody I know has it, maybe the crisis has been exagerated' mindset in recent weeks, but will be making more of an effort with the distancing and cutting down on non-essential trips out.
My uncle and auntie were hospitalised with it early on, my boy has home for last two weeks because his teacher had and mate from footy has it. My other boy's school has had 2 cases also. Lots of people you know are going to get it. It's a matter if time
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here's an interesting stat. pcr test results from people arriving at frankfurt airport between mid july and end of september, by country where they flew in from

The Turks are looking at the bigger picture.. they want all the holiday makers family's, wedding,ravers the lot..
Exactly, my parents where actually supposed to fly there today. But it's bad of them as if you think its only 10 cases per 100k, you'd be like "that's ok, low risk".

But when it's really 200-300 per 100k, it's not. Esp considering a lot of older people go to Turkey too. (Eve on if Turkey has a young population, you're entering an area of massive community spread)

Should do what the uk gov does, forget to add the numbers to the daily figures then report really bad numbers for 2 days a week ?
sorry to hear @Digital2013 hope your mate will get better soon

Ive been guilty of a 'nobody I know has it, maybe the crisis has been exagerated'

if you consider that in most european countries only 5 to max 15% of the population have had it so far, it's actually not surprising if you don't know anyone that's had it (or that's had it bad for that matter).
Apparently Turkey only report positive cases if a person is symptomatic. Great way to track community spread and risk ?

(Why uk gov removed them from fly list)
A few more countries are going down this route.

There’s more and more evidence coming to light that people who are asymptomatic have a very very small chance of transmitting to others, and even on the few occasions when they do, the viral load is so small it’s not enough to cause those they pass it onto to become very ill.
A few more countries are going down this route.

There’s more and more evidence coming to light that people who are asymptomatic have a very very small chance of transmitting to others, and even on the few occasions when they do, the viral load is so small it’s not enough to cause those they pass it onto to become very ill.
Hmm I think the scientists still are not 100% sure of this as latest info shows asymptomatic people can have same viral load/shedding. Although more interestingly, they say most asymptomatic people are actually just pre-symptomatic and go on to develop symptoms, even if extremely mild.

Guess if think about it logically, if asymptomatic people where very low risk spreaders, why do we keep getting a lot of asymptomatic people? You'd think that line would die out if doesn't spread much.

But what do I know, I'm not a virologists ?‍♂️?

A more up to date link
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Amazing that nurses, doctors, dentists, mechanics etc wear masks if the benefits are insignificant.
Those are medical masks and in relation to the work they are doing they are significant.

The non-medical masks that are being 'strongly advised' for the general public have little to none added value in a situation where social distancing is already in place. There's actually a lot of scientific research about this and like I said, our national health expert is still holding on to this approach but the government has implemented measures anyway, probably because everyone is doing it.
Pretty much the same with lockdowns...once you did a lockdown... you will have to lockdown again because if you don't you're admitting you made mistakes.

I would wear a mask in public transport, because social distancing is tough there...I can understand that it's mandatory there.
I wore a mask in the plane to and from Ibiza because it was mandatory, but it's felt like symbolic politics because everyone took the mask off while eating and drinking (like 2/3 of the duration of the flight masks were off).

As long as it's not mandatory...I will not wear a mask in the streets or shops because it has little to zero added value. There's actually a negative health impact from wearing masks too much/long.
I wouldn't say social distancing is guaranteed in a supermarket. I find it a bit bizarre that someone wouldn't just a wear a flipping mask for a 30 minute visit to Tesco.
I can imagine it depends on the place you visit indeed. That's why I said I would wear one in public transport. Not because I'm afraid I would get it....but because I would take care of the people around me.

But on the streets, open air, big supermarkets....in those situations I find it bizarre people wear a mask just because everyone does it or the government tells them it's a good thing.
Amazing that nurses, doctors, dentists, mechanics etc wear masks if the benefits are insignificant.

A swiss nurse wearing the exact same mask I wear (when going to shops)

Complete and utter shambles here in the UK (volume 4523.4d) with c15,000 positive results going missing. Someone uploading the figures didn't realise excel has a capacity limit so stopped the upload....

Now pardon me, one of the first lessons in computing, after how to find imagefap, was that everything has a capacity, drives, cards, government intelligence. The only people who could cock it up are those who might have previously worked for talktalk.

Oh...hold my beer....
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