Well-Known Member
My uncle and auntie were hospitalised with it early on, my boy has home for last two weeks because his teacher had and mate from footy has it. My other boy's school has had 2 cases also. Lots of people you know are going to get it. It's a matter if timeIts just got a lot more real for me as a mate has the virus. We we were meant to have a nightout 2 weeks ago but luckily for me we changed plans.
He said its not pleasant at all, bed bound with tight chest feeling awful. He's late 20s and in good fitness so im surprised he's developed worse symptoms.
Ive been guilty of a 'nobody I know has it, maybe the crisis has been exagerated' mindset in recent weeks, but will be making more of an effort with the distancing and cutting down on non-essential trips out.
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