☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Enjoy the silence while you can. Just wait till he gets better....

Mind you, I'm SO looking forward to the election, Bye-Bye Baby, Bye Bye.

it's material for the trump thread, but anyway...

some pretty well informed friends (forum members) think trump will stay in power despite the current polls.

...which will then be the icing on the cake for what was an absolute shitshow of a year...and with that we get back to coronavirus...
Note that the number of new infections in Spain has dropped over the last few days to under half the mid-September averages. Hopefully it's under control and continues to fall. Too late for my on the 10th; the hotel's been cancelled before I pay for it; but I'll keep the flight, if we still have to isolate at home then it can go without me.
[QUOTE = "djedwardsmith, post: 1032734, member: 35697"]
Madrid hat zwar eine absolute Stute dabei - nicht so schlimm wie die erste Welle, aber sie sind damit beschäftigt, Politik zu spielen und sich gegen die Zentralregierung zu behaupten. Infolgedessen verschwenden sie Zeit und verursachen Verzögerungen.
[/ZITAT]the same in austria?
Madrid are having an absolute mare with it though - not as bad as the first wave, but they're busy trying to play politics and be seen to stand up against the central government and as a result they're wasting time and causing delays.
Yep I don't get why madrid is so bad with it, worst in Europe, is it the young people that are not taking the rules seriously?

People are wearing masks, most people wearing masks properly
I hardly go out so not sure if metros are still packed but busses are empty
People are wearing masks, most people wearing masks properly
I hardly go out so not sure if metros are still packed but busses are empty

do they really? here I sadly keep seing lots of masks below the nose or even worse under the chin.

then the issue is that apparently people get infected at home or through friends circles where most people simply don't wear a mask and also ignore the distance...
[QUOTE = "cunninghamali, post: 1032738, member: 6811"]
Ja, ich verstehe nicht, warum Madrid so schlecht damit ist, am schlimmsten in Europa, sind es die jungen Leute, die die Regeln nicht ernst nehmen?

Menschen tragen Masken, die meisten Menschen tragen Masken richtig
Ich gehe kaum raus, bin mir also nicht sicher, ob die U-Bahnen noch voll sind, aber die Busse leer sind
The buses are full her in austria and everyone have a mask.....
do they really? here I sadly keep seing lots of masks below the nose or even worse under the chin.

then the issue is that apparently people get infected at home or through friends circles where most people simply don't wear a mask and also ignore the distance...
Yes that's true I can see it happening with friends home etc,

I really don't see why they are closing bars and restaurants at 10pm people will then go back to friends houses to carry on even more than ever
Our government has now "strongly advised" the use of masks....and gave shopkeepers the option to refuse customers because of it.
Result: around 30-40 % of the people in the shops are wearing masks. Every shop has a sign that says a mask would be highly appreciated but it's not mandatory. So first the national government shoved most responsibilities onto the local domains by giving the mayor the final vote for lots of restrictions. And now they give the responsible to shop keepers? What a mess.
It probably won't come as a surprise..but I'm not wearing one. Haven't been refused anywhere yet.

Yesterday the bars closed at 22.00 for the fist time. It caused a chaotic situation with long waiting lines with people wanting to buy beers at the evening store ?
Our government has now "strongly advised" the use of masks....and gave shopkeepers the option to refuse customers because of it.
Result: around 30-40 % of the people in the shops are wearing masks. Every shop has a sign that says a mask would be highly appreciated but it's not mandatory. So first the national government shoved most responsibilities onto the local domains by giving the mayor the final vote for lots of restrictions. And now they give the responsible to shop keepers? What a mess.
It probably won't come as a surprise..but I'm not wearing one. Haven't been refused anywhere yet.

Yesterday the bars closed at 22.00 for the fist time. It caused a chaotic situation with long waiting lines with people wanting to buy beers at the evening store ?
You know when I said you have super spreader potential....?!

Sorry everyone. Couldn’t help myself.
You know when I said you have super spreader potential....?!

Sorry everyone. Couldn’t help myself.
So you think when I don't wear a mask....I'm a super spreader?
Pls enlighten me about the effectiveness of masks.

Even the head of our national institute of public health says the effect of everyone in the population wearing facemasks is so incredible small....it's insignificant. But governments are pushing facemasks because it's symbolic politics.
So you think when I don't wear a mask....I'm a super spreader?
Pls enlighten me about the effectiveness of masks.

Even the head of our national institute of public health says the effect of everyone in the population wearing facemasks is so incredible small....it's insignificant. But governments are pushing facemasks because it's symbolic politics.

Yes, of course it is.

It's absolutely about governments around the world being seen to partake in symbolic policies and nothing at all to do with the scientific evidence from across the world that shows that wearing masks reduces the chance of spreading the disease from the mouth/nose.

You can pull out all sort of semantics about how they aren't perfect, how they don't help if they're not washed regularly blah blah blah. But if you really think masks do nothing, then I'm also assuming you don't cover your face when you cough/sneeze anyway?
So you think when I don't wear a mask....I'm a super spreader?
Pls enlighten me about the effectiveness of masks.

Even the head of our national institute of public health says the effect of everyone in the population wearing facemasks is so incredible small....it's insignificant. But governments are pushing facemasks because it's symbolic politics.
I said super spreader potential. Failing to wear a mask is one example. Your behaviour and attitude demonstrate all of your other potential traits. I don’t need to point to the benefits of wearing a mask, the scientific evidence is readily available for you to view. As @Springal says, it’s funny who you find wearing them without question. You cling on to any kind of evidence about anything that is contrary to the overwhelmingly commonly held view about what we need to do as a world populace to stop the spread of COVID. It makes painful reading and is completely lacking in objectivity - if you can find any conspiracy theory or excuse, however small the evidence, you are going to dissent. Anyway, I said I wouldn’t do this again with you and broke my own rule so I shall lurk off.
The evidence on health benefits of wearing a mask isn’t massively strong. But if it’s gonna make someone who has to come to work in a shop and is terrified of getting the virus and spreading it to their family, a little bit more comfortable, then why not just do it? It’s really not asking that much.
Its just got a lot more real for me as a mate has the virus. We we were meant to have a nightout 2 weeks ago but luckily for me we changed plans.

He said its not pleasant at all, bed bound with tight chest feeling awful. He's late 20s and in good fitness so im surprised he's developed worse symptoms.

Ive been guilty of a 'nobody I know has it, maybe the crisis has been exagerated' mindset in recent weeks, but will be making more of an effort with the distancing and cutting down on non-essential trips out.
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