It’s going to be mandatory for places to take contact details too. It had been optional previously.
Why the f*** would you make something so important optional!
The government have been playing the blame game from the start, i've been saying it all along. Unclear guidance all along is done on purpose.
Look at them now literally blaming people not having symptoms being tested for a lack of tests being available when they were the ones who said anyone can be tested. Clearly testing more people gives you a better view of how many people actually have it, which leads on to my next point.
They're saying it's all young people spreading it around, of course there are a lot of cases with younger people now, because when we were at the height you could only be tested when admitted to hospital, which is very unlikely for a young person. So the majority of cases were never found (Young people who are more likely to be out and about in general).
That one will especially play up to your classic old racist tory that sees a BLM protest or youngsters partying somewhere. It's all tactics and their supporters are thick enough to fall for it and will do whatever they're told, especially when the majority of the media are right wing and in their pocket.
Besides that the most interesting part of today is how they've decided to tests crowds at a horse racing event, that's the tory party who have a lot of major donors from the horse racing industry. It's not like it's alone is it? What was the last major event allowed before this all began? Oh yes, Cheltenham.
Let's delve a bit further. Who is responsible for Cheltenham? The Jockey Club. Who is a board member at The Jockey Club? Dido Harding. Who did the government put in charge of NHS Test and Trace, an app based on gathering public data? Dido Harding, the woman in charge of TalkTalk during one of the biggest data breaches in history. That's a weird appointment isn't it? No, because her husband is also a Tory of course. When they announced Public Health England was to be abolished (Not at all trying to blame them ? ) and replaced it with the National Institute for Health Protection, who would be the best person to take charge? Dido Harding, of course.
I like pointlessly delving in to their backgrounds or contracts handed out, every single one is dodgy.