☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Yes, because of a non refunded booking at Tropical hotel, San An (357€), done november 19.

Next ibiza booking, will be done 2 months b4 going to closing parties 202x ,and after be sure that Nightlife is BACK along may june july august....so it can take a while b4 i'm bcak ?

I m seeing lot of adds about formentera trips by boat, the reason to be a pack in order to reduce cost such 7 people , trip is 50€ and hoping from beaches to beaches.
some french asking 20€ for boat trip in san an from 5pm to 9pm in san san...
Some charter guys in trouble for breaking Covid rules and also recent passenger got spinal injury on charter coming from Formentera. Medical recovery disaster boat Charter from private beach and not a marina - getting injured off boat to tender and up steep dirt path to ambulencia. There is a spotlight on charters maybe for safety and business licence & insurance is what yachty says. Responders hating situation with access to injured.
Our minister of Justice...who has been reportedly saying people should keep the 1.5m distance or they will get fined...(and a lot of people did get fined) got married in July.

Now a sneaky photographer made some pics and 'whaddayaknow', he can be seen hugging his guests and shaking their hands.
Now the social distancing is complete bs anyway, no normal human being can keep this up for much longer and the virus is pretty much harmless nowadays...but he is the main guy responsible for enforcing the dutch corona rules and was very loud in the media about people not abiding those rules. Whoops.

Currently all major dutch news sites are estimating he'll be gone from his position before the day is over.
Pretty much harmless nowadays ?

Was watching something other day and experts say no evidence its mutated into a milder version as yet. Instead it's more down to the demographic getting it, more testing earlier (so more medical intervention earlier) and lower initial viral loads due to social measures, that are reducing fatalities.

So if old or at risk group and get it still not good news yet.

As for fear porn articles, would that include scientific papers which have done studies on this also? ?‍♂️

(Tbf that article is pretty rich in links to good sources?)
Was watching something other day and experts say no evidence its mutated into a milder version as yet. Instead it's more down to the demographic getting it, more testing earlier (so more medical intervention earlier) and lower initial viral loads due to social measures, that are reducing fatalities.

So if old or at risk group and get it still not good news yet.

As for fear porn articles, would that include scientific papers which have done studies on this also? ?‍♂️

(Tbf that article is pretty rich in links to good sources?)
For every scientific research done, I can show you another one with a different view on it. Such as Covid being a mild virus now, or the fact that the death rate of this virus is not all what we thought it was...or about aerosols and the nonsense of social distancing because of them. Or about herd immunity and how well Sweden has done compared to other countries.

But whenever those articles get posted by me or others, that gets pushed into the category of: conspiracy theorists or russian propaganda.
Politicians pretty much do the same thing, wich is actually very concerning. Confirmation bias in its utter form.
For every scientific research done, I can show you another one with a different view on it. Such as Covid being a mild virus now, or the fact that the death rate of this virus is not all what we thought it was...or about aerosols and the nonsense of social distancing because of them. Or about herd immunity and how well Sweden has done compared to other countries.

But whenever those articles get posted by me or others, that gets pushed into the category of: conspiracy theorists or russian propaganda.
Politicians pretty much do the same thing, wich is actually very concerning. Confirmation bias in its utter form.
Well cause I'm sorry, but Sweden hasn't done well and no European country has detected antibodies in the populus anywhere near the 60-80% range required for herd immunity (5-15% at best).

Also they constantly analyse the RNA of virus samples to track it through changes. (Which clade is spreading etc). The virus is actually very stable with only a couple mutations a month or so. (Coronavirus have a bit of error checking machinery on replication that facilitates this).

So tldr the virus people are getting now is still functionally the same/the same as one all that time ago in wuhan. (And when the D614G mutation appeared early in the pandemic).

Just cause you can find something on the internet to support your view doesn't mean its right. That's why have to check with multiple sources and try and verify it. (Which goes for everyone). Its all about burden of proof. Not what we wish to be true.?‍♂️
Today is the first day in 6 months I’ve gotten up and read various news articles in the MSM with positive things about Covid. Things such as herd immunity may be far nearer to been achieved and getting a Nath is more dangerous than covid! ?
Hopefully a shift in what’s published is on its way and also a shift in the shit show that is this year is on its way too!
We can only dream ?
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