☣ Coronavirus ☣

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After reading the forum the past couple of weeks I had all but written off a September trip this season (even 2021 was suggested as doubtful!).

With this new four phase plan, I have a sense of optimism, I am hopeful the clubs can re-open in July/August even at a limited capacity. I do believe the UK Conservative government will want to restart the economy ASAP and have flights operating as soon as the scientific advisers allow.

It will interesting to see the following points if the island does open to clubbing tourism:

a) Will punters still to fly to the island? My guess will be the majority will, obviously their will be some who are sceptical of being in clubs even at limited capacity. All the thousands who missed their May-July trips could re-book & drive up airline prices.
b) The DJ line ups should be incredible? A three month season lost, Solomun will be itching to play every night haha.
c) If if it limited capacity, will tickets be selling out & 'gold-dust' on the island for the big events?
d) Will the season carry on into the November months?

Being in our twenties, the clubs are the main reason for visiting Ibiza - let's hope this season will be salvaged!

a) even in the most optimistic cases I can't see it turning into a strong season
b) mladen told me yesterday he's planning to play 72hrs every week from sunday to wednesday, then eat, sleep and repeat the next sunday ;)
c) can't see this being a problem due to a)
d) if the season gets going, then likely yes

(joking re solomun of course)
here's a theory - based on an 'all going well' scenario

  • mid may life slowly returns to ibiza with shops and first outdoor terraces of bars/restaurants opening
  • by mid june beaches are open and more places can open more of their shop/restaurant surfaces
  • by the end of june or start of july, all spanish territories are through the four phases and national tourism resumes. around the same dates the situation in lots of european countries has improved massively and EU decides to wait just a little more and then joint-open frontiers and airspaces at the end of july
  • first clubs might open in july, but it's in august when thanks to international travel the season properly gets going and more clubs open
  • season until halloween or later

I won't take it badly if in a few weeks you'll tell me I was wrong, but what if I'm right? ;)
I'll declare an interest in so far as clubs don't interest me; so put that to one side I can't really see how they can be opened, much as I'd like them to for the Ibizan economy; hundreds (thousands) in a confined space? people from all over Europe, maybe the world? The alternative would be clubs with social distancing...I can't really see that as wouldn't that defeat the object?
Hope I'm wrong, because if I am that means the whole of Ibiza would be relatively normal > and it affects me in so much that of an evening I like to get, ahem, "close" to as many as I can in some bars I could mention!!!
After reading the forum the past couple of weeks I had all but written off a September trip this season (even 2021 was suggested as doubtful!).

With this new four phase plan, I have a sense of optimism, I am hopeful the clubs can re-open in July/August even at a limited capacity. I do believe the UK Conservative government will want to restart the economy ASAP and have flights operating as soon as the scientific advisers allow.

It will interesting to see the following points if the island does open to clubbing tourism:

a) Will punters still to fly to the island? My guess will be the majority will, obviously their will be some who are sceptical of being in clubs even at limited capacity. All the thousands who missed their May-July trips could re-book & drive up airline prices.
b) The DJ line ups should be incredible? A three month season lost, Solomun will be itching to play every night haha.
c) If if it limited capacity, will tickets be selling out & 'gold-dust' on the island for the big events?
d) Will the season carry on into the November months?

Being in our twenties, the clubs are the main reason for visiting Ibiza - let's hope this season will be salvaged!
As I alluded to in my post above, if clubs do have social distancing/capacity reductions then tickets really will be gold dust, how much are punters willing to pay live or on the black market??
here's a theory - based on an 'all going well' scenario

  • mid may life slowly returns to ibiza with shops and first outdoor terraces of bars/restaurants opening
  • by mid june beaches are open and more places can open more of their shop/restaurant surfaces
  • by the end of june or start of july, all spanish territories are through the four phases and national tourism resumes. around the same dates the situation in lots of european countries has improved massively and EU decides to wait just a little more and then joint-open frontiers and airspaces at the end of july
  • first clubs might open in july, but it's in august when thanks to international travel the season properly gets going and more clubs open
  • season until halloween or later

I won't take it badly if in a few weeks you'll tell me I was wrong, but what if I'm right? ;)

It’s starting to look up now. The rest of Europe need to follow in your footsteps and I’m sure we can all have a our trips to Ibiza in the late summer.
Maybe like the supermarkets and queues they need to tape off little boxes on the dancefloor and people have to stay in their box or get throw out. Or get off their box

Economics will be interesting - will DJs be able to command huge fees with 50% capacity (or less?)
here's a theory - based on an 'all going well' scenario

  • mid may life slowly returns to ibiza with shops and first outdoor terraces of bars/restaurants opening
  • by mid june beaches are open and more places can open more of their shop/restaurant surfaces
  • by the end of june or start of july, all spanish territories are through the four phases and national tourism resumes. around the same dates the situation in lots of european countries has improved massively and EU decides to wait just a little more and then joint-open frontiers and airspaces at the end of july
  • first clubs might open in july, but it's in august when thanks to international travel the season properly gets going and more clubs open
  • season until halloween or later

I won't take it badly if in a few weeks you'll tell me I was wrong, but what if I'm right? ;)
If you're right, we're all f***ed in October.
Maybe like the supermarkets and queues they need to tape off little boxes on the dancefloor and people have to stay in their box or get throw out. Or get off their box

Economics will be interesting - will DJs be able to command huge fees with 50% capacity (or less?)
That sounds like fun.. ?

Try staying on your little box when intoxicated very difficult to implement
If you're right, we're all f***ed in October.

The airtravel will be the key. With clubs , without clubs : One season without clubbing is possible. In 2 or 3 years everything is normal again and no one wants to be remembered at this times.
The problems will appear if there is not enough passenger capacity when some carriers do not exist anymore or reduced their fleet. Ok , the planes still exist : Someone will activate them again. But this lasts a little time.
I'll declare an interest in so far as clubs don't interest me; so put that to one side I can't really see how they can be opened, much as I'd like them to for the Ibizan economy; hundreds (thousands) in a confined space? people from all over Europe, maybe the world? The alternative would be clubs with social distancing...I can't really see that as wouldn't that defeat the object?
Hope I'm wrong, because if I am that means the whole of Ibiza would be relatively normal > and it affects me in so much that of an evening I like to get, ahem, "close" to as many as I can in some bars I could mention!!!
I take it these 'ahem' bars aren't on the strip.?
The airtravel will be the key. With clubs , without clubs : One season without clubbing is possible. In 2 or 3 years everything is normal again and no one wants to be remembered at this times.
The problems will appear if there is not enough passenger capacity when some carriers do not exist anymore or reduced their fleet. Ok , the planes still exist : Someone will activate them again. But this lasts a little time.
Maybe the rebirth of the ferry for a lot of continental Europeans.
the situation in lots of european countries has improved massively and EU decides to wait just a little more and then joint-open frontiers and airspaces at the end of july

If all European nations tackle the situation well and at the same time, then opening up of joint-open frontiers and airspaces makes a lot of sense.

However, from a British perspective, it sadly seems that our current government would rather do anything instead of co-operating on a European level. Our government refused even to participate on an EU initiative joint procurement of PPE and ventilators - stuff that literally saves the lives of our own citizens - for purely political reasons. I hope I am wrong and we can agree something with the rest of Europe to get tourism going again when the time comes.
The 4 phase relaxation is risky but i think they're doing the right thing. I'd hold off booking time off though. I doubt Sp will be letting any flights in till they have some confidence that other countries are at the same level.
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