☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Does Ibiza have a recovery package ready in case local business is hit hard due to the lack of tourist revenue this year? Was planning to return to Ibiza in September because it is less expensive, but if nothing is done to assist local business could we end up seeing some venues remain closed after the crisis is over, or some venues deliberately driving up their prices and charging extortionate rates just to make up for their lost revenue as they try to recover and rebound in time before next year? Hope that employees across the island will have their jobs secure and wages protected.

Amazing dc10
Does Ibiza have a recovery package ready in case local business is hit hard due to the lack of tourist revenue this year? Was planning to return to Ibiza in September because it is less expensive, but if nothing is done to assist local business could we end up seeing some venues remain closed after the crisis is over, or some venues deliberately driving up their prices and charging extortionate rates just to make up for their lost revenue as they try to recover and rebound in time before next year? Hope that employees across the island will have their jobs secure and wages protected.

currently there are rescue/help measures in place already for the entire of spain. apart from that the balearic government has requested further help as our islands mainly live off tourism and will thus be hit even harder economically. this is an ongoing thing still

as for venues open, it will very much depend on when we'll get through this.
Does Ibiza have a recovery package ready in case local business is hit hard due to the lack of tourist revenue this year? Was planning to return to Ibiza in September because it is less expensive, but if nothing is done to assist local business could we end up seeing some venues remain closed after the crisis is over, or some venues deliberately driving up their prices and charging extortionate rates just to make up for their lost revenue as they try to recover and rebound in time before next year? Hope that employees across the island will have their jobs secure and wages protected.
I hope the government helps they will need it... I read they were going to help the balearics with the economy

I think the small locals may have a hard time recovering from this

It be interesting to see hopefully 2021 season if prices will go up even more than they are for club tickets, drinks etc or will be the same
Boris in intensive care.

Whatever your political persuasion it would be a massive blow to the UK to lose its leader at this time.

Actually starting to get scared now, even just a couple of weeks ago I was thinking bout how I could just book Ibiza later in the year, how the beaches would be refreshed after a break and that...but if arguably the most protected person in your country can get it then what hope for us normal folk?
Boris in intensive care.

Whatever your political persuasion it would be a massive blow to the UK to lose its leader at this time.

Actually starting to get scared now, even just a couple of weeks ago I was thinking bout how I could just book Ibiza later in the year, how the beaches would be refreshed after a break and that...but if arguably the most protected person in your country can get it then what hope for us normal folk?
You say most protected but he was probably at far more risk of contracting the virus than normal folk as he is meeting lots of people etc.

Try not to let that worry you too much.
You say most protected but he was probably at far more risk of contracting the virus than normal folk as he is meeting lots of people etc.

Try not to let that worry you too much.

True that he has met more people than most and had a laid back approach to shaking hands and contact early on in this crisis (a few interviews from a few weeks ago havent aged well!) and is also of course based in the country's most populated area.

But if he cant beat this with top priority medical treatment then I honestly worry for the rest of us who will have their local hospital doing their best but in difficult circumstances.
Kimajy I read the link but missed your earlier, so I will follow up on that thank you.

I also previously read the world's scientists have been tracking the evolution of the virus, they suggest it was from animal to human https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.th...8/is-factory-farming-to-blame-for-coronavirus

Could the location be a coincidence? The poisoning of the Skripals in Salisbury was x miles from Porton Down, it was suggested at the time it could might not have been the Russians but from that from the lab. I see how it is easy to believe it could have happened again similar to the what you described happened with SARS.

@claretclubber this was the earlier one : https://www.nature.com/news/engineered-bat-virus-stirs-debate-over-risky-research-1.18787?

We just do not know what research and testing was being sanctioned in Wuhan. Even if a Coronavirus was not being genetically modified deliberately, a negligent asymptomatic infection of a worker following mishandling of a research sample taken from a horseshoe bat that did not appear harmful could easily result in viral evolution through that human host, resulting in a variant capable of human-to-human transmission.

Whilst there are handling protocols these are always prone to human error. I can see a direct feasible and credible route from A to B with this in a way I didn't with the Skripals, because of the political motive and Russian signature behind the latter. I err on the side of incompetence / negligence of virologists rather than some deliberate masterplan of the Chinese state to take over the world ... but I do think humans are responsible for this rather than a natural coincidental transmission between species.
I err on the side of incompetence / negligence of virologists rather than some deliberate masterplan of the Chinese state to take over the world ... but I do think humans are responsible for this rather than a natural coincidental transmission between species.


Zoonotic disease (animal to human transmission) is happens regularly. Two other well known coronaviruses SARS and MERS are also zoonotic (bats -> civet cat, camel).
True that he has met more people than most and had a laid back approach to shaking hands and contact early on in this crisis (a few interviews from a few weeks ago havent aged well!) and is also of course based in the country's most populated area.

But if he cant beat this with top priority medical treatment then I honestly worry for the rest of us who will have their local hospital doing their best but in difficult circumstances.
He'll have been monitored closely before admission, but likely working more than he should and under tremendous stress, but once admitted there isnt much more they can do for him than you or I would get
it dosn`t take economic experts to predict that we are heading (or already are) into one of the biggest recession the world has even seen, millions of people will loose or already lost their jobs. for many, booking holidays at the moment is the last thing that they are thinking of now, it will take years to recover from this financial disaster, i hope that travel/hotel/restaurant/food/club prices will drop bc the lack of demand, imo some was anyway too expensive for most, many holiday destinations including ibiza have to adapt, otherwise there will be realy only the jet set clients left while the younger clubbers will stay away as they can not afford ibiza anymore.
it dosn`t take economic experts to predict that we are heading (or already are) into one of the biggest recession the world has even seen, millions of people will loose or already lost their jobs. for many, booking holidays at the moment is the last thing that they are thinking of now, it will take years to recover from this financial disaster, i hope that travel/hotel/restaurant/food/club prices will drop bc the lack of demand, imo some was anyway too expensive for most, many holiday destinations including ibiza have to adapt, otherwise there will be realy only the jet set clients left while the younger clubbers will stay away as they can not afford ibiza anymore.

my take on things might be a little naive but this is what I think.

I'm pretty sure that whenever tourism returns, prices will be relatively low for a decent period of time. it's obvious that you'll have to stimulate the market, once this nightmare is over people will want a holiday, but most people will be on super tight budgets (if they can even afford it). so I'm sure the hotels here will offer good rates. people will also be scared to travel for a while I think and maybe some really good offers might convince them.

let's not forget, ibiza turned the way it did during the past decade because the worldwide economy simply did great. so I'm sure we'll see a bit of reset of prices for a while.
Also swine flu and another one called H1NC, that could of been an outbreak

Scientists were waiting for this to happen and they knew the world was not prepared...

There are many zoonotic diseases that scientists and doctors are regularly trying to stop from developing into a full outbreak.. It's scary

Sars was also quite a big outbreak but we wasn't in lockdown and I don't remember it all for some reason[/QUOTE]
my take on things might be a little naive but this is what I think.

I'm pretty sure that whenever tourism returns, prices will be relatively low for a decent period of time. it's obvious that you'll have to stimulate the market, once this nightmare is over people will want a holiday, but most people will be on super tight budgets (if they can even afford it). so I'm sure the hotels here will offer good rates. people will also be scared to travel for a while I think and maybe some really good offers might convince them.

let's not forget, ibiza turned the way it did during the past decade because the worldwide economy simply did great. so I'm sure we'll see a bit of reset of prices for a while.
yes i totaly agree with your post, after this crisis we sure all deserve some holidays and lets hope that is gonna be possible very soon.
On the one hand if a middle-aged bloke who has access to the best possible care can't pull through then we should all be s***ing orselves. On the other hand that bar steward was behind the campaign to steal our freedom of movement, our EHIC cards and to dump us in the "aliens" queue at EU airports - and all that was based on lies and false promises - so on a humaine level I have sympathy, on a political level I've no sympathy whatsoever.

It's a tough call trying to wish your greatest enemy well, but I suppose I do; maybe in the vain hope he sees sense that it's EU staff that are cleaning his floor, feeding him or maybe even saving his life.
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