COCOON @ Amnesia 2017

I'm waiting on 26th June and 3rd July! 26th already got Sven and Josh Wink so happy enough with that as it is! Praying for Villalobos, Zip or Raresh on either of those dates tho! Beyer wouldn't be a bad back up tho!
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26th June also has Ilario Alicante.
That's the weekend I was sposed to go too but u likely now barring a miracle :(
26th June also has Ilario Alicante.
That's the weekend I was sposed to go too but u likely now barring a miracle :(
I knew I saw someone else! Love Ilario, see him play a great set at cocoon in London last summer. What happened, shaping up to be a great night!
Hahaha you cocoon lovers make me laugh!! I have never seen one night get so much love;) see you at the closing!

It definitely seems overkill at times but it really just is that good at least in my opinion. Its probably the one night on the island I literally would not miss, in the sense of if i was planning a trip especially coming from New York, i would make sure that i am there for a Monday just because of Cocoon. Its the perfect mix of music, atmosphere in Amnesia, and crowd. Some of my favorite club experiences in Ibiza were definitely at Cocoon nights.
It definitely seems overkill at times but it really just is that good at least in my opinion. Its probably the one night on the island I literally would not miss, in the sense of if i was planning a trip especially coming from New York, i would make sure that i am there for a Monday just because of Cocoon. Its the perfect mix of music, atmosphere in Amnesia, and crowd. Some of my favorite club experiences in Ibiza were definitely at Cocoon nights.
I went in cocoon in 2008, 2011, 2012 amd was bored and didnt like the music! You lot have been banging om about it so much I am going to give it another chance! I did have friends that went closing last year and they thought it was amazing! I willl prob be a cocoon lover when the closings have finished we shall see lol.... Must be good if u plan your nights out around cocoon!
I went in cocoon in 2008, 2011, 2012 amd was bored and didnt like the music! You lot have been banging om about it so much I am going to give it another chance! I did have friends that went closing last year and they thought it was amazing! I willl prob be a cocoon lover when the closings have finished we shall see lol.... Must be good if u plan your nights out around cocoon!
I can vouch for planning around cocoon, that's why I'm doing 11 night instead of 7! Just to fit 2 mondays in!
I can vouch for planning around cocoon, that's why I'm doing 11 night instead of 7! Just to fit 2 mondays in!

that's dedication to the cause.

in my case, and I think it takes a bit of 'weight' away of me always blowing the trumpet for cocoon, apart from the music which I just love at cocoon, it's also the weekly night out for lots of friends of mine. most monday nights I'm surrounded by anything between 10 and 50 people I know, mostly on the terrace, but depending on the night also inside.
that's dedication to the cause.

in my case, and I think it takes a bit of 'weight' away of me always blowing the trumpet for cocoon, apart from the music which I just love at cocoon, it's also the weekly night out for lots of friends of mine. most monday nights I'm surrounded by anything between 10 and 50 people I know, mostly on the terrace, but depending on the night also inside.
I will rephrase, 11 nights was only a little more expensive than 7 so would be stupid not too! So I took advantage to fit in 2 mondays, and I will be doing the Circo + Cocoon double header which in my opinion is the best day/night out every week. And I thought by having 2 Monday I double the chances of getting the perfect line up!
I can vouch for planning around cocoon, that's why I'm doing 11 night instead of 7! Just to fit 2 mondays in!

Turning 30 just recently and traveling with the old lady most of the time these days I'll probably never have the chance to take that kind of trip but I would definitely do that if it were possible for me. Hoping to do a big trip with some of the boys in 2018 pairing BCN Off week and Ibiza, or if that doesnt come together than its Time Warp for 2018, really a win either way, but I've been dying to do a solid 5 days BCN Off Week + 5 days Ibiza trip.