COCOON @ Amnesia 2017

the more mainstream nights get busy very early. the more underground nights get busy later. the more mainstream nights empty sooner than the more underground ones. it's the same across all clubs on the island.

Makes sense. It also makes sense that the mainstream crowd won't be as used to being out til 6/7am so will head home when they have had enough, which is about 3am. Which fits with Cream.

I live in London and take this same approach to any event I go to whatever it is! I will always arrive at fabric for open i.e 11/11:30 and day events like Printworks I never arrived later than 2pm. Like you say I like to see the venue and night build up and don't want to arrive when everything is at its peak

I run a club night in Vauxhall, it's amazing the amount of people we get in post 3am. But they are usually just looking for a place to carry on and don't care about what's being played. With Printworks, with Beyer we f***ed up and didn't get in til 5pm, but we got in early with Melt! and was worth it.
I run a club night in Vauxhall, it's amazing the amount of people we get in post 3am. But they are usually just looking for a place to carry on and don't care about what's being played. With Printworks, with Beyer we f***ed up and didn't get in til 5pm, but we got in early with Melt! and was worth it.
What clubs that, anything I might know? Printworks goes from being empty to full in the space of an hour same with Fabric and the likes gets to 2/3 and its rammed! Its nice to get your bearings early doors especially with a new venue!
What clubs that, anything I might know? Printworks goes from being empty to full in the space of an hour! Its nice to get your bearings early doors especially with a new venue!

that was exactly the reason that we arrived at printworks around 13:30 for the Knee Deep party.

for the first time ever I got to cocoon for around 1AM last year and I have to say watching the night build was a special experience.
that was exactly the reason that we arrived at printworks around 13:30 for the Knee Deep party.

for the first time ever I got to cocoon for around 1AM last year and I have to say watching the night build was a special experience.
I love doing it this way, can I ask why it is so many insist on turning up at 3am and missing half the night? Obviously for the likes of Stivi who go out every single week of the season I get it and if coming from DC10 I get it but otherwise I don't see why you wouldn't want to see the first few hours when its not as busy, can walk around and still have world class DJs playing in both rooms
I love going out late, I am the one that will get there at 3 am, I like to get there just in the thick of it when lots of people are there, rather than waiting for it to fill up, I also normally stay till it closes, or 10 mins before so dont have to fight for a taxi!

Also take ages to get ready and like to take my time. Love doing the old sweets while I am getting ready too, makes it more fun!
I love doing it this way, can I ask why it is so many insist on turning up at 3am and missing half the night? Obviously for the likes of Stivi who go out every single week of the season I get it and if coming from DC10 I get it but otherwise I don't see why you wouldn't want to see the first few hours when its not as busy, can walk around and still have world class DJs playing in both rooms

For me it was because of DC10 in this instance but maybe other times it's because I'm undecided about whether to go and might decide later on
I love doing it this way, can I ask why it is so many insist on turning up at 3am and missing half the night? Obviously for the likes of Stivi who go out every single week of the season I get it and if coming from DC10 I get it but otherwise I don't see why you wouldn't want to see the first few hours when its not as busy, can walk around and still have world class DJs playing in both rooms

I actually often go out relatively early. I also like to be in the club before it gets packed
going to Cocoon opening 29th - should i attend early doors - is it any different from other cocoon nights being the opening and all that ? what should i expect same same or worthwhile getting along early - looking forward to Nina & sven of course )
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going to Cocoon opening 29th - should i attend early doors - is it any different from other cocoon nights being the opening and all that ? what should i expect same same or worthwhile getting along early - looking forward to Nina & sven of course )
Interested in this as well
When booking tickets on the amnesia website they offering drink vouchers at 20% cheaper than paying at the bar. But you have to buy for the night your going and can't use on another nights
What are the ticket prices usually like tho, same price as on the island etc?